Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

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Results for: 2015

[Kickstarter] nodeIT – Small, Stackable IoT Device

Kickstarter projects pop up all of the time. Developers are looking to raise money for their projects so they can order a larger production run and gauge market reaction. A lot of recent projects are… read more >>

Collecting Dust Levels with ThingSpeak and ESP8266 Wi-Fi 2

Using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, [shadowandy] built a dust sensor to measure dust levels in his house. The project incorporates the Shinyei PPD42NS dust sensor to do the measurements and posts the… read more >>

Soldering Iron Connected to ThingSpeak with #NodeMCU and #ESP8266 Wi-Fi

[Vegard Paulsen] created a solder iron that reports its usage and temperature to ThingSpeak and alerts him when it was left on. He uses an NodeMCU / ESP8266 Wi-Fi module to collect the data and post… read more >>

Basement Dehumidifier Tweets Its Humidity with ThingSpeak and ESP8266 Wi-Fi

ThingSpeak user, Spencer, adapted a humidifier that sits in his basement. He is solving a common issue about humid basements. If your dehumidifier fails, you get wet things you have stored and then… read more >>

We are Growing Quickly… Want a Better IoT UX?

We are growing so quickly and adding a ton of new functionality that we don’t want to lose the User Experience (UX). We want you to be able to build Internet of Things projects in 5 minutes and… read more >>

There is a Hamster on Twitter Now… Thanks to ThingSpeak, Arduino, and ESP8266 Wi-Fi 3

What does an adorable hamster need? Internet of Things, but of course. Using ThingSpeak, ESP8266 Wi-Fi, and Arduino, Ángel from San Sebastián built a monitoring system for his hamster which is dubbed… read more >>

Send Windows Server Data to ThingSpeak using PowerShell

Do you maintain Windows Servers? If so, you might want to track server resources. ThingSpeak accepts data from anything and fits perfectly for server monitoring, visualization, and analysis…. read more >>

Let Your Plants Tweet Using Spark and ThingSpeak

Head over to Instructables to learn how to make your plants Tweet using Spark Wi-Fi and ThingSpeak. Gregory Fenton created a project that monitors his plant’s soil moisture and then notifies… read more >>

Blynk Internet of Things App for Arduino to Support ThingSpeak Web Services 1

A really awesome Kickstarter campaign called Blynk has came to our attention as users from their community and ours were asking if our systems could work together.

Blynk is an Android / iOS app that… read more >>

New ThingSpeak Forum Dedicated to the ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module

Over the past few months, we have seen the ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module take the DIY Internet of Things makers by storm. The main reason is the ESP8266 is less than $5US includes Wi-Fi connectivity and the… read more >>

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