Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

Weather Station with Particle, SparkFun, ThingSpeak, and MATLAB

[Haodong Liang] has released a weather station project with full MATLAB data analysis, device source code, and procedures on He used the Particle Electron to connect the SparkFun weather station to ThingSpeak anywhere covered by a 2G/3G cellular data network. The project demonstrates how to build your own and start exploring data collected by ThingSpeak with MATLAB.

MathWorks Weather Station

The project also shows you how to use MATLAB to get very detailed visualizations and data analysis of the data collected by the weather station. Some of the examples include histograms of temperature, humidity, and pressure, curve fitting, daily comparisons, and 3D plots of temperature.

MATLAB weather station temperature plot

Visit for the complete tutorial to build your own weather station, connect it to the internet with the Particle Photon, collect your data with ThingSpeak, and do data analysis with MATLAB.


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