Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

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Results for: open source

ThingSpeak Library for Arduino 1

The ThingSpeak team has released an updated version of the ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino, ESP8266, and ESP32 devices. The ThingSpeak library is the easiest way to get Arduino devices… read more >>

Arduino WiFi 101 ThingSpeak Data Uploader Tutorial

Arduino has published a tutorial for their WiFi 101 Shield that sends data to ThingSpeak. The Arduino WiFi Shield 101 is a powerful Internet of Things shield with crypto-authentication that connects… read more >>

Official ThingSpeak Library for Arduino and Particle 22

We are thrilled to announce the official ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino and Particle devices. This library enables an Arduino or other compatible hardware to write or read data to or… read more >>

Database Performance Upgrades #featurefriday 1

With over 20,000 active streams of “Internet of Things” data, the servers that make up are humming.  We recently made extensive upgrades to the database system that stores… read more >>

[Official Tutorial] Monitoring Linux Server Statistics 2

ThingSpeak can be used to easily monitor CPU usage %, memory usage %, and disk usage % on any Linux machine connected to the internet.
First, create a new Channel, and fill out the field names as… read more >>

ThingSpeak Launches New Website

Things want to speak…
We keep hearing about how many Billions and Billions of things there will be connected. Just think about how much data that they will create! Yep, it’s Big Data, or… read more >>

[Official Tutorial] Connecting Electric Imp to ThingSpeak IoT Data Services

Build Open Data Applications with Electric Imp and ThingSpeak!
Electric Imp is a connectivity platform for connecting Wi-Fi devices to cloud services, much like and Iota Wi-Fi modules… read more >>

Battery-powered Temperature Logger with ThingSpeak + Electric Imp

[Marcus Olsson] of slickstreamer made a battery-powered temperature logger using ThingSpeak to store and visualize the data collected. He chose the Electric Imp Wi-Fi module for connectivity. The… read more >>

The Top 10 Internet of Things Countries According to ThingSpeak Stats

In 2013, ThingSpeak was used in 158 countries and territories. The vast majority of the traffic came from countries in North America, Europe, Australia, and South America. ThingSpeak is growing… read more >>

Introducing TalkBack, the New Internet of Things App to Control Things with the ThingSpeak Cloud 8

Introducing… TalkBack!
We have developed a new ThingSpeak App and it is available now to all ThingSpeak Users.
The new TalkBack App allows devices to check ThingSpeak for commands to execute…. read more >>

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