Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

Posts 21 - 26 of 26

Results for: open source

Arduino and ThingSpeak Examples are Now on GitHub

We are moving our Arduino Examples to GitHub to make it easier to copy, modify, and combine with your ideas. If you want to collaborate on creating the very best source code and examples for Arduino,… read more >>

ThingSpeak ‘Speaks’ Brazilian Portuguese 1

Paulo is from Brazil and uses Portuguese as his primary language. He grabbed the English language file from our GitHub repository and translated it into Brazilian Portuguese. Now, when anyone from… read more >>

ThingSpeak is a Sponsor of the Open Hardware Summit

The Open Hardware Summit is September 15th, 2011 in New York City. The ThingSpeak team is thrilled to announce that we are sponsoring the event! We are excited to be a part of the summit and we will… read more >>

Visit to Hack Pittsburgh Maker Space

There’s a lot of activity in Pittsburgh these days. The new Bat Man movie is being filmed and HackPittsburgh is busy making amazing projects. And to top it off, HackPGH has invited ioBridge… read more >>

openPICUS + ThingSpeak = Open Source Wireless Internet of Things

openPICUS just released some new features for the FlyPort Wi-Fi module. openPICUS is an open source wireless platform that uses Wi-Fi and freeRTOS to connect things to the web. One new feature is… read more >>

ThingSpeak API Source Code on GitHub 1

The ThingSpeak API is now on GitHub! You can setup the application on your local network or on a web server in the cloud and run the full ThingSpeak API dedicated for your application. With everyone…ThingSpeak source code is now on GitHub

Posts 21 - 26 of 26