Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

MATLAB Tour Legs 1,2, and 3

I've just returned home from three weeks in Europe on the MATLAB World Tour where I visited Italy, Spain, France, and Switzerland, accompanied by various colleagues. We met great staff from our local
offices in each place, and had a wonderful time meeting many of you. There's more of the tour to follow, throughout other
European countries, as well as sites in Australia and Asia, so please visit our website and sign up, if possible, so we can
meet you.




Scott and I started off in Milano.

Scott got this beautiful cup of coffee. It reminds me of this submission on the File Exchange.

Here's a shot of my master class. The class was very interactive, with some participants "earning" a MATLAB T-shirt for asking
a good question or answering a complex question well.


Scott and I then went to Madrid.

More T-shirts rewarded for participation. (Hint: this is worth keeping in mind for the future, if you come to visit us on
the tour elsewhere.)


Next stop, meeting Mike in Toulouse.

We met some customers throughout, including during the outdoors coffee break. Here's Jérôme Briot and Gaetan Guerin. Jérôme is an active participant on the MATLAB newsgroup when he is not doing his research in biomechanics.

We used Mike's clock as our timekeeper in France.

In Paris, we met Charles Lehalle who uses MATLAB heavily for his finance work, such as tools he's posted here.

Ambling around Paris, I saw tables of people playing chess in the park.

And these charming mice showed up at the Musée d'Orsay.


Next stop, Zurich, where Sam

and I met up with another great group of users.


I didn't buy much on my trip, but here are a few delicacies that I brought home for gifts. Such beautiful packaging!

All in all, great memories, including those from meeting with so many curious customers!

Published with MATLAB® 7.4

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