Math with Words – Word Embeddings with MATLAB and Text Analytics Toolbox
Text data has become an important part of data analytics, thanks to advances in natural language processing that transform unstructured text into meaningful data. The new Text Analytics Toolbox provides tools to process and analyze text data in MATLAB.
Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi introduces some cool features available in the new toolbox, starting with word embeddings. Check out how he uses sentiment analysis to find good AirBnB locations to stay in Boston!
- What is a Word Embedding?
- Ingredients
- Loading a Pre-Trained Word Embedding from GloVe
- Vector Math Example
- Visualizing the Word Embedding
- Using Word Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis
- Word Embeddings Meet Machine Learning
- Prepare Data for Machine Learning
- Training and Evaluating the Sentiment Classifier
- Boston Airbnb Open Data
- Airbnb Review Ratings
- Computing Sentiment Scores
- Sentiment by Location
- Summary
What is a Word Embedding?
Have you heard about word2vec or GloVe? These are part of very powerful natural language processing technique called word embeddings, and you can now take advantage of it in MATLAB via Text Analytics Toolbox.
Why am I excited about it? It "embeds" words into a vector space model based on how often a word appears close to other words. Done at an internet scale, you can attempt to capture the semantics of the words in the vectors, so that similar words have similar vectors.
One very famous example of how word embeddings can represent such relationship is that you can do a vector computation like this:
Yes, "queen" is like "king" except that it is a woman, rather than a man! How cool is that? This kind of magic has become possible thanks to vast availability of raw text data on the internet, greater computing capability that can process it, and advances in artificial neural networks, such as deep learning.
Even more exciting is the fact that you don't have to be a natural language processing expert to harness the power of word embeddings if you use pre-trained models! Let me show you how you can use it for your own text analytics purposes, such as document classification, information retrieval and sentiment analysis.
In this example, I will use a pre-trained word embedding from GloVe. To follow along, please
- Get the source code of this post by clicking on "Get the MATLAB code" at the bottom of this page
- Download a free trial version of Text Analytics Toolbox (MATLAB and Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox R2017b or later are also required).
- Download the pre-trained model glove.6B.300d.txt (6 billion tokens, 400K vocabulary, 300 dimensions) from GloVe.
- Download the sentiment lexicon from University of Illinois at Chicago
- Download the data from the Boston Airbnb Open Data page on Kaggle
- Download my custom function load_lexicon.m and class sentiment.m as well as the raster map of Boston
Please extract the content from the archive files into your current folder.
Loading a Pre-Trained Word Embedding from GloVe
You can use the function readWordEmbedding in Text Analytics Toolbox to read pre-trained word embeddings. To see a word vector, use word2vec to get the vector representation of a given word. Because the dimension for this embedding is 300, we get a vector of 300 elements for each word.
filename = "glove.6B.300d"; if exist(filename + '.mat', 'file') ~= 2 emb = readWordEmbedding(filename + '.txt'); save(filename + '.mat', 'emb', '-v7.3'); else load(filename + '.mat') end v_king = word2vec(emb,'king')'; whos v_king
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes v_king 300x1 1200 single
Vector Math Example
Let's try the vector math! Here is another famous example:
Apparently, the vector subtraction "paris - france" encodes the concept of "capital" and if you add "poland", you get "warsaw".
Let's try it with MATLAB. word2vec returns vectors for given words in the word embedding, and vec2word finds the closest words to the vectors in the word embedding.
v_paris = word2vec(emb,'paris'); v_france = word2vec(emb,'france'); v_poland = word2vec(emb,'poland'); vec2word(emb, v_paris - v_france + v_poland)
ans = "warsaw"
Visualizing the Word Embedding
We would like to visualize this word embedding using textscatter plot, but it is hard to visualize it if all 400,000 words from the word embedding are included. I found a list of 4,000 English nouns. Let's use those words only and reduce the dimensions from 300 to 2 using tsne (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) for dimensionality reduction. To make it easier to see words, I zoomed into a specific area of the plot that contains food related-words. You can see that related words are placed close together.
if exist('nouns.mat','file') ~= 2 url = ''; nouns = webread(url); nouns = split(nouns); save('nouns.mat','nouns'); else load('nouns.mat') end nouns(~ismember(nouns,emb.Vocabulary)) = []; vec = word2vec(emb,nouns); rng('default'); % for reproducibility xy = tsne(vec); figure textscatter(xy,nouns) title('GloVe Word Embedding (6B.300d) - Food Related Area') axis([-35 -10 -36 -14]); set(gca,'clipping','off') axis off

Using Word Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis
For a practical application of word embeddings, let's consider sentiment analysis. We would typically take advantage of pre-existing sentiment lexicons such as this one from the University of Illinois at Chicago. It comes with 2,006 positive words and 4,783 negative words. Let's load the lexicon using the custom function load_lexicon.
If we just rely on the available words in the lexicon, we can only score sentiment for 6,789 words. One idea to expand on this is to use the word embedding to find words that are close to these sentiment words.
pos = load_lexicon('positive-words.txt'); neg = load_lexicon('negative-words.txt'); [length(pos) length(neg)]
ans = 2006 4783
Word Embeddings Meet Machine Learning
What if we use word vectors as the training data to develop a classifier that can score all words in the 400,000-word embedding? We can take advantage of the fact that related words are close together in word embeddings to do this. Let's make a sentiment classifier that takes advantage of the vectors from the word embedding.
As the first step, we will get vectors from the word embedding for words in the lexicon to create a matrix of predictors with 300 columns, and then use positive or negative sentiment labels as the response variable. Here is the preview of the word, response variable and the first 7 predictor variables out of 300.
% Drop words not in the embedding pos = pos(ismember(pos,emb.Vocabulary)); neg = neg(ismember(neg,emb.Vocabulary)); % Get corresponding word vectors v_pos = word2vec(emb,pos); v_neg = word2vec(emb,neg); % Initialize the table and add the data data = table; data.word = [pos;neg]; pred = [v_pos;v_neg]; data = [data array2table(pred)]; data.resp = zeros(height(data),1); data.resp(1:length(pos)) = 1; % Preview the table head(data(:,[1,end,2:8 ]))
ans = 8×9 table word resp pred1 pred2 pred3 pred4 pred5 pred6 pred7 _____________ ____ _________ _________ _________ ________ __________ _________ __________ "abound" 1 0.081981 -0.27295 0.32238 0.19932 0.099266 0.60253 0.18819 "abounds" 1 -0.037126 0.085212 0.26952 0.20927 -0.014547 0.52336 0.11287 "abundance" 1 -0.038408 0.076613 -0.094277 -0.10652 -0.43257 0.74405 0.41298 "abundant" 1 -0.29317 -0.068101 -0.44659 -0.31563 -0.13791 0.44888 0.31894 "accessible" 1 -0.45096 -0.46794 0.11761 -0.70256 0.19879 0.44775 0.26262 "acclaim" 1 0.07426 -0.11164 0.3615 -0.4499 -0.0061991 0.44146 -0.0067972 "acclaimed" 1 0.69129 0.04812 0.29267 0.1242 0.083869 0.25791 -0.5444 "acclamation" 1 -0.026593 -0.60759 -0.15785 0.36048 -0.45289 0.0092178 0.074671
Prepare Data for Machine Learning
Let's partition the data into a training set and holdout set for performance evaluation. The holdout set contains 30% of the available data.
rng('default') % for reproducibility c = cvpartition(data.resp,'Holdout',0.3); train = data(training(c),2:end); Xtest = data(test(c),2:end-1); Ytest = data.resp(test(c)); Ltest = data(test(c),1); Ltest.label = Ytest;
Training and Evaluating the Sentiment Classifier
We want to build a classifier that can separate positive words and negative words in the vector space defined by the word embedding. For a quick performance evaluation, I chose the fast and easy linear discriminant among possible machine learning algorithms.
Here is the confusion matrix of this model. The result was 91.1% classification accuracy. Not bad.
% Train model mdl = fitcdiscr(train,'resp'); % Predict on test data Ypred = predict(mdl,Xtest); cf = confusionmat(Ytest,Ypred); % Display results figure vals = {'Negative','Positive'}; heatmap(vals,vals,cf); xlabel('Predicted Label') ylabel('True Label') title({'Confusion Matrix of Linear Discriminant'; ... sprintf('Classification Accuracy %.1f%%', ... sum(cf(logical(eye(2))))/sum(sum(cf))*100)})

Let's check the predicted sentiment score against the actual label. The custom class sentiment uses the linear discriminant model to score sentiment.
The scoreWords method of the class scores words. A positive score represents positive sentiment, and a negative score is negative. Now we can use 400,000 words to score sentiment.
dbtype sentiment.m 18:26
18 function scores = scoreWords(obj,words) 19 %SCOREWORDS scores sentiment of words 20 vec = word2vec(obj.emb,words); % word vectors 21 if size(vec,2) ~= obj.emb.Dimension % check num cols 22 vec = vec'; % transpose as needed 23 end 24 [~,scores,~] = predict(obj.mdl,vec); % get class probabilities 25 scores = scores(:,2) - scores(:,1); % positive scores - negative scores 26 end
Let's test this custom class. If the label is 0 and score is negative or the label is 1 and score is positive, then the model classified the word correctly. Otherwise, the word was misclassified.
Here is the table that shows 10 examples from the test set:
- the word
- its sentiment label (0 = negative, 1 = positive)
- its sentiment score (negative = negative, positive = positive)
- evaluation (true = correct, false = incorrect)
sent = sentiment(emb,mdl); Ltest.score = sent.scoreWords(Ltest.word); Ltest.eval = Ltest.score > 0 == Ltest.label; disp(Ltest(randsample(height(Ltest),10),:))
word label score eval _____________ _____ ________ _____ "fugitive" 0 -0.90731 true "misfortune" 0 -0.98667 true "outstanding" 1 0.99999 true "reluctant" 0 -0.99694 true "botch" 0 -0.99957 true "carefree" 1 0.97568 true "mesmerize" 1 0.4801 true "slug" 0 -0.88944 true "angel" 1 0.43419 true "wheedle" 0 -0.98412 true
Now we need a way to score the sentiment of human-language text, rather than a single word. The scoreText method of the sentiment class averages the sentiment scores of each word in the text. This may not be the best way to do it, but it's a simple place to start.
dbtype sentiment.m 28:33
28 function score = scoreText(obj,text) 29 %SCORETEXT scores sentiment of text 30 tokens = split(lower(text)); % split text into tokens 31 scores = obj.scoreWords(tokens); % get score for each token 32 score = mean(scores,'omitnan'); % average scores 33 end
Here are the sentiment scores on sentences given by the scoreText method - very positive, somewhat positive, and negative.
[sent.scoreText('this is fantastic') ... sent.scoreText('this is okay') ... sent.scoreText('this sucks')]
ans = 0.91458 0.80663 -0.073585
Boston Airbnb Open Data
Let's try this on review data from the Boston Airbnb Open Data page on Kaggle. First, we would like to see what people say in their reviews as a word cloud. Text Analytics Toolbox provides functionality to simplify text preprocessing workflows, such as tokenizedDocument which parses documents into an array of tokens, and bagOfWords that generates the term frequency count model (this can be used to build a machine learning model).
The commented-out code will generate the word cloud shown at the top of this post. However, you can also generate word clouds using two-word phrases known as bigrams. You can generate bigrams with docfun, which operates on the array of tokens. You can also see that it is possible to generate trigrams and other n-grams by modifying the function handle.
It seems a lot of comments were about locations!
opts = detectImportOptions('listings.csv'); l = readtable('listings.csv',opts); reviews = readtable('reviews.csv'); comments = tokenizedDocument(reviews.comments); comments = lower(comments); comments = removeWords(comments,stopWords); comments = removeShortWords(comments,2); comments = erasePunctuation(comments); % == uncomment to generate a word cloud == % bag = bagOfWords(comments); % figure % wordcloud(bag); % title('AirBnB Review Word Cloud') % Generate a Bigram Word Cloud f = @(s)s(1:end-1) + " " + s(2:end); bigrams = docfun(f,comments); bag2 = bagOfWords(bigrams); figure wordcloud(bag2); title('AirBnB Review Bigram Cloud')

Airbnb Review Ratings
Review ratings are also available, but ratings are really skewed towards 100, meaning the vast majority of listings are just perfectly wonderful (really?). As this XCKD comic shows, we have the problem with online ratings with regards to review ratings. This is not very useful.
figure histogram(l.review_scores_rating) title('Distribution of AirBnB Review Ratings') xlabel('Review Ratings') ylabel('# Listings')

Computing Sentiment Scores
Now let's score sentiment of Airbnb listing reviews instead. Since a listing can have number of reviews, I would use the median sentiment score per listing. The median sentiment scores in Boston are generally in the positive range, but it follows a normal distribution. This looks more realistic.
% Score the reviews f = @(str) sent.scoreText(str); reviews.sentiment = cellfun(f,reviews.comments); % Calculate the median review score by listing [G,listings] = findgroups(reviews(:,'listing_id')); listings.sentiment = splitapply(@median, ... reviews.sentiment,G); % Visualize the results figure histogram(listings.sentiment) title('Sentiment by Boston AirBnB Listing') xlabel('Median Sentiment Score') ylabel('Number of Listings')

Sentiment by Location
The bigram cloud showed reviewers often commented on location and distance. You can use latitude and longitude of the listings to see where listings with very high or low sentiment scores are located. If you see clusters of high scores, perhaps they may indicate good locations to stay in.
% Join sentiment scores and listing info joined = innerjoin( ... listings,l(:,{'id','latitude','longitude', ... 'neighbourhood_cleansed'}), ... 'LeftKeys','listing_id','RightKeys','id'); joined.Properties.VariableNames{end} = 'ngh'; % Discard listings with a NaN sentiment score joined(isnan(joined.sentiment),:) = []; % Discretize the sentiment scores into buckets = discretize(joined.sentiment,0:0.25:1, ... 'categorical',{'< 0.25','< 0.50','< 0.75','<=1.00'}); % Remove undefined categories cats = categories(; joined(isundefined(,:) = []; % Variable for color colorlist = winter(length(cats)); % Generate the plot latlim = [42.300 42.386]; lonlim = [-71.1270 -71.0174]; load boston_map.mat figure imagesc(lonlim,latlim, map) hold on gscatter(joined.longitude,joined.latitude,,colorlist,'o') hold off dar = [1, cosd(mean(latlim)), 1]; daspect(dar) set(gca,'ydir','normal'); axis([lonlim,latlim]) title('Sentiment Scores by Boston Airbnb Listing') [g,ngh] = findgroups(joined(:,'ngh')); ngh.Properties.VariableNames{end} = 'name'; = splitapply(@mean,joined.latitude,g); ngh.lon = splitapply(@mean,joined.longitude,g); % Annotations text(ngh.lon(2),,,'Color','w') text(ngh.lon(4),,,'Color','w') text(ngh.lon(6),,,'Color','w') text(ngh.lon(11),,,'Color','w') text(ngh.lon(13),,,'Color','w') text(ngh.lon(17),,,'Color','w') text(ngh.lon(18),,,'Color','w') text(ngh.lon(22),,,'Color','w')

In this post, I focused on word embeddings and sentiment analysis as an example of new features available in Text Analytics Toolbox. Hopefully you saw that the toolbox makes advanced text processing techniques very accessible. You can do more with word embeddings besides sentiment analysis, and the toolbox offers many more features besides word embeddings, such as Latent Semantic Analysis or Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
Hopefully I have more opportunities to discuss those other interesting features in Text Analytics Toolbox in the future.
Get a free trial version to play with it and let us know what you think here!
- Category:
- Machine learning,
- Statistics,
- Text