Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


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Posts 1 - 10 of 28

Results for: 2012

End of Year Suggestion: Steve on Counting

I just read the latest post on Steve Eddins image processing blog. I recommend you read it too. It discusses how to count objects in an image without introducing bias. It would be easy to count all the blobs you see, including partial ones cut by the border. But that would be an overestimate. So how do we get a better estimate?... read more >>

Measuring GPU Performance 12

Today I welcome back guest blogger Ben Tordoff who previously wrote here on how to generate a fractal on a GPU. He is going to continue this GPU theme below, looking at how to measure the performance of a GPU.... read more >>

Understanding Array Preallocation 6

Today I would like to introduce guest blogger Jeremy Greenwald who works in the Development group here at MathWorks. Jeremy works on the Code Analyzer and will be discussing when preallocating MATLAB arrays is useful and when it should be avoided.... read more >>

Partitioning a Vector 9

Recently on the MATLAB newsgroup, there was a thread asking how to split up a vector into pieces which were each monotonically increasing by the value 1. The post got several answers which I did not read first. Here's my thinking.... read more >>

MathWorks Certification 8

Today I would like to introduce guest blogger John Kotwicki, who works in the Training Services group here at MathWorks. John manages the Certification Program and will be introducing the new MATLAB Certification offering.... read more >>

Learning to Love Regular Expressions 8

Today I’d like to introduce guest blogger Sarah Wait Zaranek who works for the MATLAB Marketing team here at MathWorks. Sarah previously has written about using GPUs in MATLAB. Sarah will be discussing how she got started using regular expressions.... read more >>

When is a Number Perfect? 4

Answer: When the sum of all divisors of a positive integer, except the number itself, equals the number. Here's a reference with more information from Wikipedia.... read more >>

The MATLAB R2012b Desktop – Part 3: MATLAB Apps 5

Today, David Garrison, our guest blogger, will complete his series on the R2012b Desktop.... read more >>

The MATLAB R2012b Desktop – Part 2: Customizing the R2012b MATLAB Desktop 15

Today, David Garrison, our guest blogger, will continue his series on the R2012b Desktop.... read more >>

The MATLAB R2012b Desktop – Part 1: Introduction to the Toolstrip 58

Today I’d like to introduce a guest blogger, David Garrison, who is a MATLAB Product Manager here at MathWorks. Over the next few blog posts, David will take us through a series of posts describing some exciting features in the new R2012b MATLAB release:... read more >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 28

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