Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

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Results for: 2007

Plotting with Style 65

One of MATLAB's features is being able to customize plots. But some of the customization may not need to be done by hand and can instead be controlled programmatically. Let... read more >>

Remembering Gene Golub, 1932 – 2007 1

The book Matrix Computations by Gene Golub and Charles Van Loan sits on the bookshelves of many MathWorks employees. Professor Golub, one of the founding members of the Stanford University computer... read more >>

Making Pretty Graphs 101

Today I’d like to introduce a guest blogger, Jiro Doke (email: Jiro.Doke@mathworks.com), who is an applications engineer here at The MathWorks. He used MATLAB in his life prior to The MathWorks, and... read more >>

Useful Debugging Commands and Tips 20

In my personal history using computers, I have learned to embrace debuggers to help me understand what's going on in my code.   Contents Short List of Lesser Known Debugging... read more >>

uniquely MATLAB 23

What makes MATLAB unique? You have your choice regarding which element unique returns when there are repeated values in an array. What I wonder about is why it matters. ... read more >>

What Version is Being Used? 4

Sometimes it's important to have code work in multiple releases of MATLAB, while still taking advantage of new features when they exist. In recent articles, I've talked about... read more >>

Defensive GUI Programming 33

Today I want to talk a little bit about defensive programming for GUIs (graphical user interfaces) and other programs with
graphics callbacks.

What Can Go Wrong
Don't Depend on...

How to Safely Try Unknown Code 4

In my recent post on MExceptions, a user asked if a syntax error inside a function being called in a try/catch would get caught in older versions of MATLAB. I've done a tiny bit of... read more >>

Exceptional Behavior 18

One of the new features of MATLAB in R2007b is a more robust way to manage and reporting errors. We have found that using an MException object, instead of relying on... read more >>

Tire Rotation 8

If only rotating tires were really this easy! After graduate school, I drove east for my post-doc at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. In late winter, I noticed that my tires still... read more >>

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