Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


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Results for: Signal Processing

Introducing the Signal Analyzer App 5

Today, my guest blogger is Rick Gentile, an engineer in our Signal Processing Product Marketing group. He will introduce a new app which enables you to gain quick insights into your data.... read more >>

Understanding Wavelets: Tech Talks Available 2

Understanding Wavelets: Tech Talks AvailableSensors are a big part of our lives and continuously generate signals measuring some real physical phenomenon. Engineers are tasked with processing these... read more >>

Vuvuzela Denoising with Parametric Equalizers 3

Today I’d like to introduce a guest blogger, Charu, who is a Technical Marketing Manager at The MathWorks. Charu regularly presents webinars on signal processing topics,... read more >>

World Cup Soccer and the Vuvuzela 10

Anyone been watching soccer lately? If so, you may have noticed a buzz in the background, created by many people playing the vuvuzela. This contribution on the File Exchange... read more >>

Fourier Transforms!

Fourier Transforms! I wanted to point out to all of you interested in Fourier transforms that Steve is in the midst of posting a collection of wisdom on this topic. Discussions talk about... read more >>

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