File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Print PDF


The file submission referenced in this post is no longer available on File Exchange.

Bob's pick this week is print_pdf by Oliver Woodford.

If you export MATLAB graphics to PDF files then fuss with settings to make it look "just so" then print_pdf may be for you.

This is hardly the only such submission on the File Exchange. There are dozens of files with the "pdf" tag for example. What made this submission stand out from the pack was the activity log. First, notice the Comments and Ratings. Then scroll down to the Updates section. Oliver harnessed the power of his fan club. He was extremely responsive to make improvements based on feedback from others. We like to see this kind of social computing in the File Exchange, and encourage more posters to use the forum to improve their code.


Published with MATLAB® 7.8

  • print


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