File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

2004 in Review: Looking Backward

It's been over seven years (!) since the Pick of the Week blog was started by my co-workers Scott Hirsch and Doug Hull. Scott and Doug have moved on to doing other things at MathWorks, but Jiro, Bob, and I--and our guests--stepped into their shoes to continue the selection and blogging process. Though the team has changed over the years, the files we've collectively picked are, for the most part, still available on the File Exchange. Nevertheless, we've never put together an index of what we've Picked over the years. So beginning this week, I thought I would start compiling annual indexes of the files that have earned the coveted "Pick of the Week" tag over the years. I'll start this week with 2004, and in my next several posts, I'll index the subsequent years.
Title/Author/Summary/Notes Image
SUPTITLEAuthor: N/A Place a title above subtitles in a figure (Note: File no longer available; try this one instead.)
XTICKLABEL_ROTATEBrian Katz Rotate xticks on plots
KEEPDavid Yang Keep the specified variables, clear the rest
PRINTMATRIXStephan Wegerich Format matrix display to user-specified decimal places
MAKETHUMBDIR Brett Shoelson Create thumbnails for all MATLAB-writeable image types of a given extension in a selected directory
SLICEOMATIC Eric Ludlam Volume slice visualization GUI
SHIFT John T. McCarthy SHIFT a row or column RELATIVE to the other elements in a MATRIX
ARTICULATED HUMANOID BODY Walterio Mayol-Cuevas Visualizes an articulated humanoid body in anatomical static posture (Note: Requires companion file nancybody.)
FPEAK Geng Jun Detects peak values in your data
SIMULINK ALIGNMENT TOOLAuthor: N/A Manage the alignment and layout of blocks in your Simulink models (Note: While this file is no longer available, much of its functionality is now provided within Simulink itself.)
GOOGLE TOOLBOX Matthew Simoneau Interact with Google from your MATLAB desktop (Note: Author notes that Google has deprecated their API, and that there are no known workarounds. But you might try this submission instead.)
MATLAB PROGRAMMING STYLE GUIDE Richard Johnson 13 pages of advice on writing clear code
OCTAVE TOOLBOX Christophe Couvreur Generates normalized A-weigthing, -weighting, octave and one-third-octave digital filters
HLINE and VLINE Brandon Kuczenski Draws 'low-impact' horizontal or vertical lines on the current axes
USEFUL BROWSER SHORTCUTSAuthor: N/A A collection of useful browser links (Note: File no longer available; try this one instead.)
M2HTMLAuthor: N/A Automatically creates HTML documentation for MATLAB m-files and toolboxes (Note: File no longer available; try MATLAB's Publish function instead.)
MINNAuthor: N/A Find the minimum value of a matrix (Note: File no longer available; try minn = min(x(:)); instead.)
2-DIMENSIONAL HISTOGRAMKangwon Lee Returns a matrix of number of points in each bin defined by two vectors
MAGIC 8-BALLScott Copeland Recreates the famous Mattel® novelty toy
INTERACTIVE MOVIE PLAYERAuthor: N/A A movie player with full controls (Note: File no longer available; if you have the Image Processing Toolbox, try IMPLAY instead.)
INSTRUMENT DRIVERSAuthor: N/A A note on supported instrument control drivers (Note: File no longer available; take a look at the Instrument Control Team's "Driver Page" instead, where team members have shared more than 100 drivers.)
MAKING SURFACE PLOTS FROM SCATTER DATAZain Mecklai A white paper that addresses how to turn a collection of XYZ triplets into a surface plot
SPEAKFahad Al Mahmood Uses Excel to speak entered texts or numbers
SELECT3D, SELECT3D TOOL Joe Conti Obtains a 3-D selection point
USING NUMERICAL COMPUTING WITH MATLAB IN THE CLASSROOM Cleve Moler A collection of demos presented in a webinar by MathWorks' Chief Scientist Cleve Moler
RANDOM SOURCE USING THE EMBEDDED MATLAB FUNCTION BLOCKColin Warwick A demonstration of MATLAB on an embedded processor
GRAPH_AND_TABLEMichael Robbins Create a graph and a data table below it
ANIMATED CONVOLUTIONMichael Robbins A simple MATLAB demo to animate the process of convolution
PLTPaul Mennen An alternative to plot and plotyy optimized for data exploration
PLTSTMPAndreas Adds a timestamp and name of the calling script to a graph
SUBFUNS Robert Bemis Command-line utility to list all function declarations within a specified m-file
HATCHED FILL PATTERNS PLUSBrian Katz Modified APPLYHATCH to allow for variable resolution output for printing
CAR PANELS GUIMichael Wunder Demonstrates how to map regions of an image to user-specified callback functionality
GALACTICAuthor: N/A Air to air combat simulation (Note: File no longer available.)
SURFPLOTGordon Cooper Overlays highpass filtered data ontop of data itself, in 3D
COLORBARFBlair Greenan Adds a colorbar to your filled contour plot
UNPLOTToby Driscoll Removes the most recently drawn object(s)
SAVEPPTMark Brown Saves Matlab figure windows or Simulink models to a Powerpoint file
BLOCKCLOCKTim Farajian Interesting clock composed of animated blocks
ISPRMichael Kleder Use Java to rapidly determine whether an arbitrarily large positive integer is a prime
ORTHOGONALSLICERLaszlo Balkay Volume explorer tool by 3 orthogonal slices
SPLASHQun Han Adds a splash screen to your GUI
GOTO and GOBACKScott Hirsch Jump to the directory containing a specified file, and then jump back
IMAQPLOTDavid Tarkowski Preview video data using callbacks
QUICK, EASY MAPSMichael Kleder Two quick and easy functions to create simple map figures
DYNAMICS OF SOME CLASSICAL SYSTEM MODELSHoward Wilson Animated response of some classical systems
SATELLITE VIEW OF GLOBE, DAY/NIGHTMichael Kleder Idealized satellite view of earth with day/night boundary
You can read the original blog posts for each of these picks by clicking on the names of the files and following the links to the "Pick of the Week" tag. As always, your comments are welcome.

Published with MATLAB® 7.11

  • print


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