File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

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結果: 2015

Cartoonize an image using bilateral filtering

Avi's pick of the week is Bilateral Filtering by Douglas Lanman. Bilateral filtering is an edge-preserving smoothing filter that can be used for a wide variety of image processing tasks such as... 続きを読む >>

Scatter Bars

Sean's pick this week is scatterbar3 by Manu Raghavan.


Drawing Bars
Drawing The Boston Skyline

Drawing Bars
If you've ever wanted to draw a bar plot in MATLAB,... 続きを読む >>

Polynomial fit passing through specified points 3

Jiro's pick this week is polyfix by Are Mjaavatten.Have you ever wanted to fit a polynomial to your data and have the line go through some specified points? What about specifying the slope at a... 続きを読む >>

A nice, easy video tutorial

ContentsTime-Based Frame Readsimshow and cdata instead of imageSo...And finally:Comments?Brett's Pick this week is Video Processing Tutorial, by prolific File Exchange author Image Analyst.For... 続きを読む >>

NFL Colors

Sean's pick this week is nflcolor by Alan Bindemann. Let's take this plain old boring football and turn it into one with some team colors:football =... 続きを読む >>

GISMO Toolbox – Seismic Data Analysis in MATLAB

Today's guest pick of the week from Loren is GISMO. GISMO is one of the success stories for community developed tools. Currently spearheaded by Glenn Thompson and Celso Reyes, with... 続きを読む >>

Snake Algorithm

Will's pick this week is Snake Algorithm by Iman. How often do you find a File Exchange contribution with a YouTube video? A video can be a wonderfully effective way to explain a concept. In less... 続きを読む >>

Does your origin go through zero?

Jiro's post this week is a short one letting everyone know that one of the many new features of R2015b, which came out a couple of months ago, is the ability to make the X and Y axes go through the... 続きを読む >>

Enigma 3

Sean's pick this week is Enigma by Matt Brauer and the Engima MATLAB Team. Contents ... 続きを読む >>

Doctor, Do I Need a Dependency Injection?

Greg's pick this week is MATLAB Dependency Injection by Matt McDonnell. Imagine you want to build an application that dresses you in the morning. ... 続きを読む >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 50

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