File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Looking Back: 2015 in Review

2015 is officially over...we hope it was a great one for you. Here once again, to close out the Pick-of-the-Week year, a review of our Picks of the year. Happy New Year, everyone!

You can read the original blog posts for each of these picks by clicking on the names of the files and following the links to the "Pick of the Week" tag. As always, your comments are welcome.

Published with MATLAB® R2016a

Title/Author/Summary/Notes Image

Bilateral Filtering

Douglas Lanman

Implements bilateral filtering for grayscale and color images.



Manu Raghavan

Creates a 3-D bar chart where bars are placed in user specified X-Y locations.



Are Mjaavatten

Fit polynomial p to data, but match exactly at one or more points


Video Processing Tutorial

Image Analyst

Tutorial to read, process, and create video files.



Alan Bindemann

Return NFL color values by team or city name



Glenn Thompson

GISMO - a framework for scientific research in seismology/infrasound


Snake Algorithm


The goal is to find a contour that best approximates the perimeter of an object.



Matt Brauer

Enigma M3 Emulator


MATLAB Dependency Injection

Matt McDonnell

A dependency injection framework for MATLAB.


Bubblegum plot


Scatter plot with soap bubbels


Word Data Visualisation


Makes word clouds and semantic surface visualisations from a set of documents.



Shashikiran Rajashekar

Compares Bus Data Store (Simulink.bus)


Plot and compare histograms; pretty by default

Jonathan C. Lansey

Compares multiple sets of data elegantly. Set bins and axis bounds to be appropriate for the data.


Detect and Track Multiple Faces

Dima Lisin

Detect and track multiple faces from live video.


Passive Mode FTP in MATLAB

Idin Motedayen

These files allow users to use passive mode FTP in MATLAB.


Megan Simulator (XKCD)

Alfonso Nieto-Castanon

Stick-figure model



Marco Cococcioni

Converts a struct intoa char string and, if needed, display the string. The function allows exportin



David Legland

Geometry library for matlab. Performs geometric computations on points, lines, circles, polygons...


Bubbleplot - Multidimensional scatter plots

Ameya Deoras

Visualize up to 6 dimensions of data using point clouds


Mission On Mars Robot Challenge 2015 - France

Pascale Naillard

Documentation, Simulation and Arduino/Raspberry Pi design and models


MIPS processor in Simulink


Implementation of single-cycle MIPS processor in Simulink


Align axes labels in 3D plot

Matthew Arthington

Align the x, y and z labels of the current axes with the x, y and z axes for 3D plots.


Auto flush

Techsource Technical Team

Demonstrates auto flushing using an ultrasonic sensor.


Testing of Safety Critical Control Systems

Yogananda Jeppu

This is a presentation on testing of safety critical control systems.


Short path name on Windows (COM server)

Jerome Briot

Get the short path name of files and folders on Windows


Bus Object Bus Creator

Landon Wagner

Tool to automatically populate a busCreator with BusElements names defined in a Bus Type.


Introduction to MuPAD for Plant Modeling

MathWorks JMAAB Team

Introduction to MuPAD for Plant Modeling



Stuart Layton

Redraw existing plots to look like XKCD style plots



Brett Shoelson

Easily create a tab-panel view of images in an imageSet


Write Cell Array to Text File

Roland Pfister

A cell array is written to a delimited output file, incl. options for appending & custom delimiters.


Cell Array to CSV-file [improved cell2csv.m]


Writes cell array content into a *.csv file.



Francis Barnhart

Cellwrite writes mixed cell array data to a CSV file.


The X Collection

Yvan Lengwiler

Collection of programs that ease interaction with Excel files.


2D Line Curvature and Normals

Dirk-Jan Kroon

Accurate Curvature and Normals of a line/contour consisting of 2D points


RemoveSheet123 - remove default Excel sheets

Noam Greenboim

Remove default sheets ("sheet1" ,"sheet2", "sheet3") from an Excel file


JSONlab: a toolbox to encode/decode JSON files in MATLAB/Octave

Qianqian Fang

JSONlab is an open-source JSON/UBJSON encoder and decoder for MATLAB and Octave.




Simulink Toolbox for the Modeling and Analysis of Thermodynamic Systems, such as gas turbines


Structure display

Thomas Deneux

simple recursive display of a structure content in Matlab



Aslak Grinsted

Cache the results of slow function calls



Matt Fig

Replicate and tile each element of an array.


deploypcode(source_dir, target_dir, varargin)


DEPLOYPCODE recursively searches a directory for .m files, creating encrypted .p files with .m help



Christopher Pedersen

plots the subroutines in a function, and their dependencies on each other



Jeremy Hughes

Tools for simplifying for-loops. Customizable loop iteration.


Decimate Polygon

Anton Semechko

Simplify a 2D closed, piecewise linear contour by specifying boundary offset tolerance.


Rolling Ball on Plane

Janne Salomäki

Model of a rolling ball on plane using SimMechancs.



Larry Silverberg

Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Exploration Applications (APPS)


FAST, PROGRAMMATIC string searching in directories of MATLAB code files

Brett Shoelson

VERY FAST Command-Line searching for text contained in MATLAB code files.


Genetic Packman

Hanan Kavitz

A simple demonstration of Genetic Algorithm using all times favorite game.


Number to Words

Stephen Cobeldick

Convert a number to a string giving the English name of the number value (GB/US).

  • print


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