File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

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Results for: 2018

ShakespeareInsult 3

Will‘s pick this week is ShakespeareInsult by Jos (10584).
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Or perhaps something less flattering? What to do if the muses escape you and you… read more >>

R2018b Features

Sean‘s pick this week is my biannual review of former picks that are now part of the product. R2018b shipped last week bringing with it a few new things I really like.


Physics Course Live Scripts using Symbolic Math Toolbox

Jiro‘s pick this week is Physics Course Live Scripts using Symbolic Math Toolbox by Kurt Braeuer.My day job is helping our academic users become successful in their work/research/study by using… read more >>

Path Simplification (and Binary Image Reconstruction!), Made Easy


Sample Path
Enter the Douglas-Peucker algorithm:
Mask reconstruction

I’ve been thinking a lot about how to generate and efficiently store paths–and then reconstruct binary… read more >>

Safer Semaphore 1

Sean‘s pick this week is Safer wrapper for Windows-API Semaphore by Igor.

A while back, I wrote a blog post about the Windows POSIX Semaphore function. This had provided me… read more >>

Robotics Toolbox and the New File Exchange Feature

Jiro‘s pick this week is Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB by Peter Corke.This week, I’d like to highlight not only a great toolbox that has a long history, but also a new feature of the File… read more >>


Richard is a Consulting Engineer at MathWorks focused on the Embedded Coder product for code generation, primarily in the aerospace industry.
Richard’s pick this week is Sphero…

String Art II 1

Sean‘s pick this week is also stringart by Giuseppe Cardillo.  Jiro picked this last week; I’d already written this post; this may be our first blog race condition in… read more >>

String Art

Jiro‘s pick this week is stringart by Giuseppe Cardillo.When I saw the screenshot of this File Exchange entry, it reminded me of my home economics class in middle school many, many years… read more >>

Is Net Available

Sean‘s pick this week is isnetavl by Rik Wisselink.

I was recently writing a function that downloads data from a public location online. I had to call it multiple times to get

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