Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Announcing the release of R2008b!

I am proud to announce the arrival of R2008b.  Simulink, Stateflow, and Real-Time Workshop have many important new capabilities to explore.  If you have not yet downloaded the latest release log in and check it out.  Look over the Highlights of R2008b web page for an overview of this release.

Here are some links to the release notes for Simulink, Stateflow and RTW.

Simulink R2008b
Stateflow R2008b
Real-Time Workshop R2008b
Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder R2008b

For the next few weeks, I will provide some introductions to these new capabilities right here.  Let me know what questions you have about the new release and I’ll try to answer those too.

What do you think?

What intrigues you on the highlights of 2008b page?  Leave a comment here and tell me about it.

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