Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Welcome R2014a!

MathWorks just released MATLAB R2014a! (Licensed users can download R2014a here.) Here is a quick look at the new Simulink features I find the most interesting:

Diagnostic Viewer

In R2014a, the Diagnostic Viewer has been completely re-engineered. This new interface can store the diagnostics from multiple past simulations, and offers filtering capabilities. Also, most warnings that were previously reported at the MATLAB prompt are now all routed to this central location.

Simulink Diagnostic Viewer

Data Dictionary

Block parameters can now be resolved from a Data Dictionary file instead of the base workspace. This offers a lot of advantages like data grouping, change tracking, comparing and merging. Look at the documentation page What is a Data Dictionary? for more info.

Simulink Data dictionary

Annotations with rich text, graphics, and hyperlinks

To help you document you model, we added the ability to include rich text, images, hyperlinks and tables to annotations.

Simulink Annotations

Sliders, dials, and spinboxes available as parameter controls in masks

In the last few releases, a lot of functionality has been added to the Mask Editor. Here is an example of the kind of masks you can now create:

New Mask Controls

Git Source Control Support in Simulink Project

Git Source control is now available in Simulink Project. It allows you to create branches and merge them using the Model Comparison tool from Simulink Report Generator. It also allows you to push and fetch changes from a remote repository like github.

Git integration in Simulink Project

Now it's your turn

Let us know what is your favorite R2014a feature by leaving a comment here.

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