Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Goodbye Apple Hill 1!

Today offered more excitement than usual at MathWorks headquarters in Natick, Massachusetts. We got to destroy a building! Well, we got a good start on it anyway.

Let me back this story up a bit. In 1998 MathWorks had outgrown its office building in Natick. We wanted to stay in town, so we constructed a new building in a nearby office park called Apple Hill. (Even though it was the fourth building in the office park, the new building was called Apple Hill 3. Go figure.) We moved into the new building in 1999.

Over the next ten years, fueled by the global success of MATLAB, Simulink, and the whole product family, the company continued to grow. After eventually expanding into all four Apple Hill buildings, we finally ran out of space again. As before, we really wanted to stay in Natick. But with 1500 people working in the Natick headquarters, we had to get really creative about space.

After a couple of years of working out the details, and with a lot of help from the town of Natick and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, we have finally started on the new plan—we are bringing down the smallest of the four buildings in order to replace it with a much larger structure. Our reconfigured headquarters campus will accommodate our anticipated company expansion and growth for years to come.

Today we held a ceremony and celebration to mark the destruction of Apple Hill 1 and to launch the new construction project.

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