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搜索结果: 2015

A Historic Cubic 2

The cubic polynomial x32x5 has a unique place in the history of numerical methods.... 更多内容 >>

John Todd, Savior of Oberwolfach 2

This is the story of how John Todd saved what was to become one of the world's most important research institutions from destruction at the end of World War II.... 更多内容 >>

Trip Report: SuperComputing 2015

SC15, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, was held in Austin, Texas, last week, November 15 through 20. This is the largest trade show and conference that MathWorks participates in each year.... 更多内容 >>

Zeroin, Part 3: MATLAB Zero Finder, FZERO

MATLAB adds capability to search for an interval with a sign change.... 更多内容 >>

Zeroin, Part 2: Brent’s Version 2

Richard Brent's improvements to Dekker's zeroin algorithm, published in 1971, made it faster, safer in floating point arithmetic, and guaranteed not to fail. ... 更多内容 >>

Zeroin, Part 1: Dekker’s Algorithm

Th. J. Dekker's zeroin algorithm from 1969 is one of my favorite algorithms. An elegant technique combining bisection and the secant method for finding a zero of a function of a real variable, it has become fzero in MATLAB today. This is the first of a three part series.... 更多内容 >>

Charles Lawson, 1931 – 2015

Chuck Lawson passed away in July at the age of 83. Chuck was one of the people who introduced me to computing and mathematical software. I worked for him at Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory during the summers of 1961 and 1962, just before and after my first year in grad school.... 更多内容 >>

Trip Report: Trefethen Birthday Conference 4

"New Directions in Numerical Computation" was a conference in celebration of Nick Trefethen's 60th birthday held August 25-28 in the new Andrew Wiles building, which houses the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford.... 更多内容 >>

Golub Matrices, Deceptively Ill Conditioned

I got the idea for these test matrices from Gene Golub years ago, but the mathematical foundation comes from a paper by Divakar Viswanath and Nick Trefethen. ... 更多内容 >>

Tumbling Box ODE 2

A rectangular box, such as a book or a cell phone, thrown in the air can tumble stably about its longest axis, or about its shortest axis, but not about its middle axis.... 更多内容 >>

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