Investigating the Classic Crossed Ladders Puzzle
Today's blog post is a complete working MATLAB program investigating the crossed ladders problem. Download a copy of the program via the link at the end. Publish it again with the publish command or the publish editor tab.
The model
Explore the interaction of eight variables satisfying five nonlinear equations.
The eight variables are:
- a, length of one ladder.
- b, length of the other ladder.
- c, height of the point where they cross.
- u, width of one base triangle.
- v, width of the other base triangle.
- w, width of the alley.
- x, height of the point where one ladder meets the wall.
- y, height of the point where the other ladder meets the other wall.
The five equations are:
The initial values provide the smallest solution that is all integers. Are there any other integer solutions within the range of this app?
function ladders_app
% The Classic Crossed Ladders Puzzle. % See Cleve's Corner, Feb. 29, 2016. % <> % Starting values are a minimal sum integer solution. w0 = 56; x0 = 105; y0 = 42; w = w0; x = x0; y = y0; c = x*y/(x+y); u = c*w/y; v = c*w/x; % Starting toggles have both labels off. letters = false; numbers = false; initialize_figure;

Snapshot with letters = true and a wider valley.
Snapshot of the mirror image of the previous values with numbers = true. Four of the eight values are still integers.
function initialize_figure % Size of the square view h = 160; clf shg set(gcf,'menubar','none', ... 'numbertitle','off', ... 'name','Crossed Ladders', ... 'windowbuttondownfcn',@down, ... 'windowbuttonupfcn',@up) axis([-h/8 7/8*h -h/8 7/8*h]) axis square lines buttons labels end %initialize_figure
Called repeatedly as the mouse moves.
function motion(varargin) % WindowsButtonMotionFunction [p,q] = read_mouse; u = c*w/y; v = c*w/x; % Which control point? if q < c/2 % Drag the alley width horizonally. w = p; elseif p < u/2 % Drag the ladder against the left wall vertically. x = q; elseif p > w-v/2 % Drag both the width and the other ladder. w = p; y = q; else % Drag the crossing point, creating lots of action. c = q; u = p; v = w-u; x = c*w/v; y = c*w/u; end c = x*y/(x+y); lines end % motion
Play dot-to-dot.
function lines cla ms = 3*get(gcf,'defaultlinemarkersize'); % Large dots u = c*w/y; % Five markers at the vertices. line([0 0],[0 0],'Marker','.','MarkerSize',ms) line([w w],[0 0],'Marker','.','MarkerSize',ms,'Color','k') line([0 0],[x x],'Marker','.','MarkerSize',ms,'Color','k') line([w w],[y y],'Marker','.','MarkerSize',ms,'Color','k') line([u u],[c c],'Marker','.','MarkerSize',ms,'Color','k') % Connect the markers with six lines. line([0 w],[0 0]) line([0 0],[0 x]) line([w w],[0 y]) line([0 w],[x 0]) line([w 0],[y 0]) line([u u],[c 0],'LineStyle','-.') box on end % lines
function down(varargin) % Called at the start of mouse movement. % Activate the motion function. cla set(gcf,'windowbuttonmotionfcn',@motion) end % down
function up(varargin) % Called at the end of mouse movement. % Deactivate motion function. set(gcf,'windowbuttonmotionfcn',[]) set(gcf,'windowbuttondownfcn',@down) labels end % up
function buttons % Two toggles and three pushbuttons. posit = [.88 .64 .10 .06]; delta = [ 0 .08 0 0]; % letters uicontrol('style','toggle', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',posit, ... 'string','letters', ... 'value',letters, ... 'callback',@letters_cb); % numbers uicontrol('style','toggle', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',posit-delta, ... 'string','numbers', ... 'value',numbers, ... 'callback',@numbers_cb); % mirror uicontrol('style','pushbutton', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',posit-2*delta, ... 'string','mirrror', ... 'callback',@mirror_cb); % reset uicontrol('style','pushbutton', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',posit-3*delta, ... 'string','reset', ... 'callback',@reset_cb); % close uicontrol('style','pushbutton', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',posit-4*delta, ... 'string','close', ... 'callback','close(gcf)'); end % buttons
function labels % Label lines with either letters or numbers. u = c*w/y; v = c*w/x; lines if letters f = '%s'; xs = 'x '; ys = ' y'; ws = ' w '; as = ' a'; bs = 'b '; us = ' u '; vs = ' v '; cs = 'c '; top = 'Drag a black dot.'; elseif numbers % This is the only place values of a and b are needed. a = sqrt(x^2 + w^2); b = sqrt(y^2 + w^2); z = [a b c u v w x y]; if all(abs(z-round(z)) < .001) f = '%.0f'; else f = '%.1f'; end if sum(z) < 50 || sum(z) > 5000 scream end xs = x; ys = y; ws = w; as = a; bs = b; us = u; vs = v; cs = c; top = ['sum = ' sprintf(f,sum(z))]; else top = 'Drag a black dot.'; end if letters || numbers text(0,x/2,sprintf(f,xs),'horiz','right') text(w,y/2,sprintf(f,ys),'horiz','left') text(w/2,-3,sprintf(f,ws),'horiz','center') text(w/2,x/2,sprintf(f,as),'horiz','left') text(w/2,y/2,sprintf(f,bs),'horiz','right') text(u/2,3,sprintf(f,us),'horiz','center') text(w-v/2,3,sprintf(f,vs),'horiz','center') text(u,c/2,sprintf(f,cs),'horiz','right') end title(top) end % labels
function letters_cb(varargin) % Called when letters button is toggled. letters = get(findobj(gcf,'string','letters'),'value'); % Make sure numbers is false. numbers = false; set(findobj(gcf,'string','numbers'),'value',numbers) labels end % letter_cb
function numbers_cb(varargin) % Called when numbers button is toggled. numbers = get(findobj(gcf,'string','numbers'),'value'); % Make sure letters is false. letters = false; set(findobj(gcf,'string','letters'),'value',letters) labels end % numbers_cb
function mirror_cb(varargin) % Called when mirror button is pushed. % Interchange x and y. t = x; x = y; y = t; % c = x*y/(x+y) is unchanged lines labels end % mirror_cb
function reset_cb(varargin) % Called when reset button is pushed. % Restore initial values. w = w0; x = x0; y = y0; c = x*y/(x+y); u = c*w/y; v = c*w/x; lines labels end % reset_cb
function [p,q] = read_mouse % Current horizontal and vertical coordinates of the mouse. pq = get(gca,'currentpoint'); p = pq(1,1); q = pq(1,2); end % read_mouse
end % ladders_app
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