Posts 1 - 10 of 11

結果: Logo

Sonic Adds Sound to Logo, Recamán, Chaos

I introduced Sonic in my blog post last month. Today I will use Sonic to add sound to the graphics from three old posts, the vibrating L-shaped membrane, the Recamán sequence and the chaotic behavior of the Swinging Sticks.... 続きを読む >>

Blog Post Number 300, Vibrating Logo 2

This is post number 300 of Cleve's Corner blog. The first post was on June 6, 2012, which is 600 weeks ago. So, I have averaged one post every two weeks for over a decade. The posts were more frequent in the early days and are less frequent today.... 続きを読む >>

A New View of Our Logo 4

On a recent visit to Ann Arbor, I met ten-year old Eden Rajapakse. Here is her sketch of the L-shaped membrane. Download Live... 続きを読む >>

VAXBARN Restores Vibrating Membrane on Ardent Titan 1

VAXBARN Restores Vibrating Membrane on Ardent Titan dore_frame This is a short post to point to a web site in the Netherlands, VAXBARN. The site proprietor, Camiel Vanderhoeven, is assembling a... 続きを読む >>

A Logo Zoetrope

A Logo ZoetropeA quick post to point my readers to Ned Gulley's post in MATLAB Community, A Galloping Logo Zoetrope. Don't know what a Zoetrope is? Ned explains.Get the MATLAB code (requires... 続きを読む >>

Introducing Cleve’s Laboratory

I am launching a project that I call Cleve's Laboratory. My most recent Cleve's Corner column in MathWorks News & Notes is about the project. The MATLAB app itself is available for download from the MATLAB Central File Exchange.... 続きを読む >>

MathWorks Logo, Part Five, Evolution of the Logo 5

Our plots of the first eigenfunction of the L-shaped membrane have changed several times over the last fifty years.... 続きを読む >>

MathWorks Logo, Part Four, Method of Particular Solutions Generates the Logo

The Method of Particular Solutions computes a highly accurate approximation to the eigenvalue we have been seeking, and guaranteed bounds on the accuracy. It also provides flexibility involving the boundary conditions that leads to the MathWorks logo. ... 続きを読む >>

MathWorks Logo, Part Three, PDE Toolbox 2

The Partial Differential Equation Toolbox contains tools for the analysis of PDEs in two space dimensions and time. It is perhaps not surprising that one of the primary examples involves the L-shaped membrane.... 続きを読む >>

MathWorks Logo, Part Two. Finite Differences 2

After reviewing the state of affairs fifty years ago, I use classic finite difference methods, followed by extrapolation, to find the first eigenvalue of the region underlying the MathWorks logo.... 続きを読む >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 11

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