Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

Posts 1 - 10 of 53

Results for: 2011

TweetControl App Documentation Updated

We have update the documentation for the TweetControl app:
TweetControl allows you to monitor Twitter for trigger words to send… read more >>

CheerLights: Connecting Lights Together to Bring Us Closer

It’s that time of year… holiday time and family time. I was inspired this time to create a project that brings us a little closer. Lights are a big part of the holidays and with… read more >>

ThingSpeak visits the Pittsburgh Ruby Users Group

Hans Scharler is stopping by the monthly meeting of the Pittsburgh Ruby Users Group. The topic on the agenda is ThingSpeak, an open source Ruby on Rails application for the Internet of Things. The… read more >>

No Internet Connected Turkeys Today

Everyone is expecting Hans to connect a turkey to the Internet today, but he has some limits. Although his house, office, and yard have more Internet connected things than you can imagine. Today, in… read more >>

Connect Sensors to ThingSpeak via Teracom

[david] from Toute la Domotique adapted the Teracom box to connect to ThingSpeak web services for data logging of sensors. In his article, Suivi de Température”, David covers the ThingSpeak… read more >>

Hacking REST web services with jQuery and node.js

FUBAR Labs, a Highland Park, NJ non-profit, is holding many upcoming courses on Arduino, Web Services, Custom PCB, and Electronics. On October 23, 2011, they will be holding a class on connecting… read more >>

Arduino 1.0 to ThingSpeak Sketch 1

The Arduino team recently released the release candidate of Arduino 1.0 on Google Code. It’s a available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Version 1.0 of Arduino’s IDE includes enhancements to… read more >>

Arduino and ThingSpeak Examples are Now on GitHub

We are moving our Arduino Examples to GitHub to make it easier to copy, modify, and combine with your ideas. If you want to collaborate on creating the very best source code and examples for Arduino,… read more >>

ThingSpeak ‘Speaks’ Brazilian Portuguese 1

Paulo is from Brazil and uses Portuguese as his primary language. He grabbed the English language file from our GitHub repository and translated it into Brazilian Portuguese. Now, when anyone from… read more >>

Thank You, Steve Jobs

“…the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. Think Different.” – Steve Jobs, 1955-2011

window.onload = document.write(” “);

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Posts 1 - 10 of 53