Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

Results for: adafruit

Collect and Visualize Agricultural Data using The Things Network and ThingSpeak 2

Long-range wireless communication technology enables the transfer of sensor data over a long distance while using low-power radios for connectivity. This technology can be leveraged to connect… read more >>

ThingSpeak Used to Track Luggage for Travel Internet of Things Applications 1

Chris Forsberg created an example Internet of Things project to track luggage using ThingSpeak, an Adafruit GSM Module, and an Arduino. He built a simple system to send data to ThingSpeak, such as… read more >>

Solar-powered Temperature Logger with Electric Imp and ThingSpeak

[Marcus Olsson] from Slickstreamer created a solar-powered temperature logger using the Electric Imp Wi-Fi module to push data up to ThingSpeak to store and visualize the data collected by his… read more >>

DIY Weather Station with Arduino, Processing, and ThingSpeak

[lars] created a weather station from scratch using sensors and bits from SparkFun and Adafruit. Lars wanted to log weather data and access it from remotely. He built the weather station using… read more >>

Instructables Make it Tweet Contest

[willnue] of NUEwire created a project for the “Make it Tweet Contest” over on sponsored by Adafruit. The contest is simple: make something tweet. If you use our… read more >>

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