Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

R2007a Released

Release 2007a came out today. This corresponds to MATLAB version 7.4. I will list here a few of my favorite new MATLAB features. I will discuss some of them in future blogs.



Multithreaded Computational Support

MATLAB has multithreaded computation support for many linear algebra and element-wise numeric operations, allowing performance
improvement on multicore and multiprocessor systems.

M-Lint in the Editor

When using the MATLAB Editor, for certain messages about your code, you now have the option, through a right-click menu, to
replace the code with the recommendation.

Utility to Help with Parsing Inputs

When writing a function that needs to be robust, there's often a lot of code up front to validate the inputs. inputParser can now help you with that in a more methodical way.

Function for Singleton Expansion

In February 2006, I posted an article on Scalar Expansion and More that generated a lot of interest. See the new function bsxfun (for Binary Singleton Expansion Function) to help perform binary operations on element-by-element functions for arrays which
agree in sizes in all dimensions unless the one of the different sizes is a scalar.

Try R2007a

I've only listed a few of the latest features in MATLAB. What's your favorite new feature? Tell people about it here.

Published with MATLAB® 7.4

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