Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Processing a Set of Files – Repost

This is a repost of an article I wrote early on in this blog's history. Since there continue to be frequent questions on the MATLAB newsgroup regarding processing a set of files, I thought it would be worthwhile recapping this post.



I should start a clean workspace and with no WAV-files in my blog publishing directory.

clear all
delete *.wav

Problem Statement

Suppose I want to convert sounds stored in MATLAB MAT-files to files saved in WAV format for Windows. Without explictly hardcoding in the filenames, here's a way to proceed.

Collect the MAT-files Containing Sounds

matfiles = dir(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','audiovideo','*.mat'))
matfiles = 
6x1 struct array with fields:

Check out the Files

We can see from the length of matfiles that I have 6 MAT-files.

  Name              Size             Bytes  Class     Attributes

  Fs                1x1                  8  double              
  matfiles          6x1               2576  struct              
  y             13129x1             105032  double              

Loading the data places the MAT-file contents into a structure from which I can extract the information I need and write it back out. The sound files that MATLAB ships with store the data in y and the sampling frequency in Fs. Let's look at the first signal.

N = length(y);
plot((1:N)/(N*Fs),y), title(matfiles(1).name(1:end-4))

Loops over the Files

for ind = 2:length(matfiles)
    data = load(matfiles(ind).name);
Warning: Data clipped during write to file:gong
Warning: Data clipped during write to file:splat
Warning: Data clipped during write to file:train

What about Those Files?

dir *.wav
gong.wav      laughter.wav  train.wav     
handel.wav    splat.wav     

Read a File Back for Verification

I'll double-check the last file I just read in and wrote out. ind is still set despite no longer being in the for loop. Let's check both the frequencies and the signals themselves.

[ywav, Fswav] = wavread(matfiles(ind).name(1:end-4));
eqFreqs = isequal(Fswav, data.Fs)
datadiff = norm(ywav-data.y)
eqFreqs =
datadiff =

The data stored in the WAV-file is NOT exactly the same as that stored in the MAT-file. Reading the help for wavwrite gives some insight; the data in the WAV-file, by default, is stored as 16-bit data vs. MATLAB's standard 64-bit double.


Does it confuse people here that I don't worry about vectorization? Any other thoughts on this topic?

Published with MATLAB® 7.6

  • print
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