Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Bloggers Unite

I don't know what perception is outside MathWorks about those of us at MathWorks who write blogs. We all seriously enjoy writing the blogs, interacting with customers, talking about MATLAB and related products, basically, the things you might expect.

What you may not know is that we DO know each other and interact regularly. Here's a picture of many of us, taken recently, when we met to talk about how things were going. Those missing are Bob and Brett.

From left to right, you can see me, Seth, Jiro, Doug, Mike, and Steve.

Our lovely picture was captured by either Helen or Ned (whoever had my droid). They are invaluable forces in our blogging support system (both technical and otherwise).

On another note, Chris Scaffidi from Oregon State University is doing some research on code reuse and he's interested in getting perspectives from users of MATLAB. Here's a little more information from Chris.

I should mention that the survey asks about not just mathematical analysis tools like MATLAB, but also some other tools like animation and spreadsheet tools so that we have a baseline. Otherwise, we'd have nothing that we could compare data from MATLAB users to. This makes the survey a little repetitive, but from a scientific standpoint, this is indispensable.

If you're willing to pass your thoughts along to him, you can participate in a survey. He looks forward to your input.

Published with MATLAB® 7.10

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