Loren on the Art of MATLAB

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Customer Blog, a Great Resource, Especially for Earth Sciences

Customer Blog, a Great Resource, Especially for Earth Sciences

I recently started following a new blog by Martin Trauth, called MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences. Even if you are not an earth scientist (which, by the way, is part of my scientific lineage), you may find many useful nuggets there.

Martin is a geoscience professor at University of Potsdam. He's written well-regarded textbooks, one with the same title as his blog (which he currently posts to at a very healthy pace, one I cannot sustain!).

Martin's post cover a huge range of topics, many of which are not at all specific to, though helpful to, geoscientists. Some notable titles I read recently include:

  • Missing Version History of MATLAB Functions
  • Counting Flamingos with MATLAB
  • Better Avoid Running Means
  • Detecting Change Points in Time Series with MATLAB
  • Calculating 3D Point Clouds From Stereo Images Using MATLAB
  • Classical Linear Regression of Log-Transformed Data

In addition to posts on computation, Martin's blog also addresses working with Lego Mindstorms hardware with MATLAB. And more.

I think Martin's site is one you might want to start following. Do you know of other sites in a similar vein? Let me know here.

Published with MATLAB® R2017a

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