Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


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Results for: External interface

Sharing and Running MATLAB Code in the Cloud 2

Table of ContentsLots of Code, Lots of Places Shared Files Code Reproducibility and Reuse Sites that Host MATLAB Interoperability with Other Languages Resources ConclusionsThere are lots of ways to... read more >>

MATLAB Speaks Python 8

MATLAB is a great computing environment for engineers and scientists. MATLAB also provides access to general-purpose languages including C/C++, Java, Fortran, .NET, and Python. Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi, would like to talk about using MATLAB with Python.... read more >>

Controlling RGB LED via Potentiometer Using Arduino and MATLAB

I'd like to introduce this week's guest blogger Ankit Desai. Ankit works for the Test & Measurement team here at The MathWorks. Ankit has previously written about transferring data... read more >>

Using Microsoft .NET to Expand MATLAB Capabilities 16

Ken Atwell in the MATLAB product management group is guest blogging this week about his recent experiences using Microsoft .NET® and how it can used to expand the... read more >>

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