Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

結果: Integration

Double Integration in MATLAB – Methods and Handling Discontinuities, Singularities, and More

In our recent post, Mike Hosea and I talked about adjusting both the absolute and relative tolerances for getting more accurate results when calculating a double integral. Today we'd like to talk about choosing the method of integration as well as which order to choose for the first dimension (direction) of integration.... 続きを読む >>

Double Integration in MATLAB – Understanding Tolerances 4

In today's post, I am joined by Mike Hosea, a developer who occasionally works on integration routines for MATLAB. In recent releases, we added new integration routines, including integral2 for double integrals. Today we'll talk about some nuances in using this routine and adjusting the absolute and relative tolerances.... 続きを読む >>