Loren on the Art of MATLAB

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Results for: Interesting Algorithms

Can Contact Tracing Help the End COVID-19 Lockdown?

Since the pandemic became a global problem in March, we have been gratified how MATLAB users have been actively contributing to the research and development related to COVID-19. Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi, would like to focus on one interesting area of interest in the global fight against COVID-19.... read more >>

What is?

I've been allowing my self some time these days to read more than usual about certain aspects of numerical math, deep learning, and other technical topics. In that regard, I found the timing of Nick Higham's new series, called What is, on his wonderful blog. He is a long-time and valued contributor on MATLAB Central and a friend to many of us at MathWorks.... read more >>

Stable Matching Problem and the Algorithm that Won a Nobel Prize 1

Many here in Massachusetts started social distancing about a month ago and we have no end in sight yet. If you live alone, maybe you are ready to match up with someone after you get through this hardship. Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi, has a perfect algorithm for you. I love that this was inspired by a problem that, at first glance, doesn't seem very technical or relevant. But it is!... read more >>

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