Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


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Results for: Solving Equations

ODE Solver Selection in MATLAB

Today, I'd like to welcome Josh Meyer as this week's guest blogger. Josh works on the Documentation team here at MathWorks, where he writes and maintains some of the MATLAB Mathematics documentation. In this post, Josh provides a bit of advice on how to choose which ODE solver to use. Over to you, Josh...... read more >>

Update on the Chebfun Project 4

A while ago, I wrote about the Chebfun Project. At the time, version 3 had recently come out. I recently visited Nick Trefethen and Nick Hale, part of the Chebfun team, and they showed me the latest... read more >>

ODEs, from Symbolic to Numeric Code 2

In a recent post on solving ODEs, the reader Jason wondered if there was a way to do away with the manual algebraic steps using Symbolic Math Toolbox. There currently isn't a canned way... read more >>

Rooting Around in MATLAB – Part 3 4

I recently wrote a pair of posts (1 and 2) about finding roots of equations, and how you might use MATLAB to explore this topic with emphasis on the method of fixed point iteration. ... read more >>

Rooting Around in MATLAB – Part 2 2

In a recent post, I started a series of posts about finding roots of equations, and how you might use MATLAB to teach some of this topic. In particular, I will... read more >>

Rooting Around in MATLAB – Part 1 3

I've been interested in teaching for a long time, including ways to use MATLAB. One concept that students might need to understand early in their college careers is that of... read more >>

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