Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


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Posts 1 - 10 of 18

Results for: Strings

Stressed When Searching for Strings?

Do you get clammy hands when you have to search for a string pattern, not just a particular string? Does the thought of struggling with regexp make you sweat?... read more >>

String Things 4

Working with text in MATLAB has evolved over time. Way back, text data was stored in double arrays with an internal flag to denote that it was meant to be text. We then transformed this representation so character arrays were their very own type. And I mentioned earlier that we introduced a string datatype to make working with text data more efficient and natural. Let me show you a little more.... read more >>

Which Way to Compute: cellfun or for-loop? 9

Over a long number of years, people have asked whether it's better to use cellfun or a for-loop to perform certain computations. As with so many things in life, the correct answer here is "it depends". Let me give you a bit more insight so you can make good choices.... read more >>

Compose Yourself! 9

Even if we crunch numbers a lot, there are plenty of times, for example, when reporting, that we need to mix numbers into text. For a very long time, we've been able to create a character vector, and more recently, a string, with functions like sprintf. Look here for more information on character arrays and strings.... read more >>

Accept String Inputs in Your Code 4

Today I'd like to introduce a guest blogger, Stephen Doe, who works for the MATLAB Documentation team here at MathWorks. In today's post, Stephen discusses how, and why, you might want to update your code to accept string arrays as inputs.... read more >>

Web Scraping and Mining Unstructured Data with MATLAB 3

A lot of information is shared on the web and a lot of people are interested in taking advantage of it. It can be used to enrich the existing data, for example. However, information is buries in HTML tags and it is not easy to extract useful information. Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi shows us how he uses MATLAB for web scraping to harvest useful data from the web and then uses fuzzy string match to enrich existing data.... read more >>

Working with Text in MATLAB 6

I'd like to introduce today's guest blogger, Dave Bergstein, a MATLAB Product Manager at MathWorks. In today's post, Dave discusses recent updates to text processing with MATLAB.... read more >>

Singing the Praises of Strings 7

There is a new way to work with textual data in MATLAB R2016b. The new string datatype haven't got enough attention from me until recently. I have been chatting with colleagues Matt Tearle and Adam Sifounakis and we have each discovered a similar beautiful code pattern in MATLAB for generating a sequence of strings.... read more >>

Introducing String Arrays 9

Toshi is back for today's guest post. You may have seen Toshi's earlier posts about text analytics and he often deals with text in his data analysis. So he is very excited about new string arrays in R2016b.... read more >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 18

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