I've recently been engaged in several events of potential interest to the geophysics community. In December 2014, a few of us from MathWorks attended the AGU meeting (American Geophysical Union).... 更多内容 >>
Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.
I've recently been engaged in several events of potential interest to the geophysics community. In December 2014, a few of us from MathWorks attended the AGU meeting (American Geophysical Union).... 更多内容 >>
Today I'd like to introduce a guest blogger, Andrea Ho, who works for the MATLAB Documentation team here at MathWorks. Today, Andrea will discuss three new data types for representing dates and times in MATLAB in R2014b - datetime, duration, and calendarDuration.... 更多内容 >>
Today I’d like to introduce a guest blogger, David Garrison, who is a MATLAB Product Manager here at MathWorks. This is the first in a series of blogs over the next few weeks describing the new graphics system in R2014b and how some of the changes will affect you.... 更多内容 >>
Arithmetic is associative, right? Well, in the world of paper and pencil, where you can often do calculations exactly, that can be true. However, in the computing world, where real numbers can't always be represented exactly because of working with finite precision datatypes, it turns out that you can't depend on the arithmetic to behave the way you were taught in grade school.... 更多内容 >>
Google recently made a splash about its e-api-tools-for.html latest language tools. Translating one computer language to another is useful but passé. But suppose you could translate a computer... 更多内容 >>
New Simulink Blog on mathworks.com I'm very pleased to announce that we have a new blog on mathworks.com. We now have Seth on Simulink. Please read his blog for insight into Simulink, how... 更多内容 >>
The book Matrix Computations by Gene Golub and Charles Van Loan sits on the bookshelves of many MathWorks employees. Professor Golub, one of the founding members of the Stanford University computer... 更多内容 >>
GOTO Humor For those of you who wonder why MATLAB does not have a goto statement, you might look at this cartoon in addition to reading an earlier blog article I wrote. I am amused to see... 更多内容 >>
Customers have long asked for a GOTO statement in MATLAB to allow them to use programming constructs familiar to them from other languages they already know. I am pleased to announce that a proposal... 更多内容 >>
One of my favorite things about MATLAB is that I can write a mathematical algorithm using the same notation appearing in a technical book or paper. For algorithms that are naturally matrix-based,... 更多内容 >>