Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

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Generating an Optimal Employee Work Schedule Using Integer Linear Programming 7

Today's guest blogger is Teja Muppirala, who is a member of our Consulting Services group. Teja has been with MathWorks for 6 years and is based in our Tokyo office.... read more >>

Swing Low, Sweet Probability: Guessing the results of every match in the 2015 Rugby World Cup

Today's guest blogger is Matt Tearle, who works on our MATLAB training materials here at MathWorks. Originally from New Zealand, Matt was delighted with the All Blacks' recent victory at the 2015 Rugby World Cup. What better way to celebrate than to analyze the results with MATLAB?... read more >>

An Old Adage in MATLAB 2

I have to admit, I enjoy puns and plays on words of almost any kind. As I was driving to work this morning, I was thinking about the MATLAB function eval. And something just clicked for me. I am sure the person sitting in the car beside me at the light thought I was crazy.... read more >>

What’s Up, Doc? 5

Today’s guest blogger is Leslie McBrayer, who is in the Documentation group at MathWorks. Her team's goal is to make it easier for you to learn how to use our products. She is writing today about some features of the R2015b documentation: a few that are new, and a few that have been around for some time.... read more >>

40-year-old Algorithm That Cannot Be Improved 4

It is interesting to see how an obscure algorithm sometimes gets a break in news headlines like For 40 years, computer scientists looked for a solution that doesn’t exist in the Boston Globe. Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi, introduces us to this curious computer algorithm.... read more >>

ODE Solver Selection in MATLAB

Today, I'd like to welcome Josh Meyer as this week's guest blogger. Josh works on the Documentation team here at MathWorks, where he writes and maintains some of the MATLAB Mathematics documentation. In this post, Josh provides a bit of advice on how to choose which ODE solver to use. Over to you, Josh...... read more >>

Text Mining Shakespeare with MATLAB 4

Have you ever wondered how Google provides the auto-complete feature in Google Suggest? Or sometimes you see results of hilarious or annoying auto-correct features on your smartphone? Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi, explains a natural language processing approach through a fun text mining example with Shakespeare.... read more >>

Getting Started with Kaggle Data Science Competitions 5

Have you been interested in data science competitions, but not sure where to begin? Today's guest blogger, Toshi Takeuchi, would like to give a quick tutorial on how to get started with Kaggle using MATLAB.... read more >>

Advice for Making Prettier Plots 5

A few years ago, Jiro wrote a popular post for making pretty plots on this blog. We also host a blog specifically about graphics by Mike. And with the R2014b release of MATLAB came an updated graphics system that Dave described last year in a 3 part series: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.... read more >>

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