Doug and I are taking a slight departure from our usual format this week, with a couple of MATLAB programming tips. Doug posted a link to his great new advanced GUIDE tutorial, and I’d like to… read more >>
Doug and I are taking a slight departure from our usual format this week, with a couple of MATLAB programming tips. Doug posted a link to his great new advanced GUIDE tutorial, and I’d like to… read more >>
It has taken me a long time, but I have finally produced the second in what I hope will become a series of videos about how to better use MATLAB and related products. This video has many of the… read more >>
NoteThe file submission referenced in this post is no longer available on File Exchange.
Duane Hanselman looks too young in his MATLAB Central picture to be an accomplished author, but he is. This… read more >>
A lot of us MATLAB users hate to admit it, but sometimes circumstances arise and for reasons beyond our control, we need to use Excel. When that happens it is nice to be able to easily bring your… read more >>
NoteThe file submission referenced in this post is no longer available on File Exchange.
Our loyal readers have probably figured out by now that I'm the goofy one who spends all day looking for fun... read more >>
Have you heard of Sudoku puzzles? I hadn't until a few weeks ago, when a friend of mine was solving ones from the Boston Globe in the morning. For those not in the know, Sudoku are number puzzles... read more >>
NoteThe file submission referenced in this post is no longer available on File Exchange.
I love small, simple, useful functions. Many of my own submissions are not much more than one line of code… read more >>
I can't believe it took me this long to find Alfredo Fernandez's MP3WRITE and MP3READ. MATLAB users have been asking me for years if they could read MP3s into MATLAB, and I never had a good answer. ... read more >>
This week's pick is something I would expect my more whimsical partner, Scott, to have picked. But since he has not made a pick in a month, I can see why I got it first. This is a simple dialog box... read more >>
I want to say hello to all of our new visitors that heard about us from the article in Design News.
I am going to try something different this week: I want to hear from you.
I have been…