How many of us are buying Lego MindStorms kits “for the kids to play with” this Christmas? If so, bring home your laptop for the holidays, fire-up Simulink (and a lot of code gen… 더 읽어보기 >>
How many of us are buying Lego MindStorms kits “for the kids to play with” this Christmas? If so, bring home your laptop for the holidays, fire-up Simulink (and a lot of code gen… 더 읽어보기 >>
I am guilty of making some pretty horrible code from time to time, especially when I think no one else is looking. I wanted to take the next few videos to show how you can go from code that is hard… 더 읽어보기 >>
This week’s video is covering a relatively new feature of the editor: cell mode. Specifically, I am demonstrating the publication of reports from your code.
If you ever need to create… 더 읽어보기 >>
The new MATLAB programming contest is up as of this morning. I am issuing a challenge to all of you:
If you write a better contest entry than me by the end of the twilight phase (Friday at Noon), I… 더 읽어보기 >>
Have you ever wanted to zoom in on one axes and have another axes zoom in at the same time? Have you ever wanted to zoom in only on the x-axis but not the y-axis? If so, please watch this minute… 더 읽어보기 >>
These GUIDE tutorials (Intro, Advanced) have been very popular since I posted them. Recently, someone asked me a question that I did not answer in the videos. They wanted to know how to change… 더 읽어보기 >>
My colleague Tom is much more of a controls kind of guy than I am, so he found this week’s pick before I did. He was much impressed with this code from long time MATLAB user, Duane. I gave this… 더 읽어보기 >>
This week’s pick is a recommendation that came to me by e-mail from Gordon. The recommendation was for “Multiple Concurrent Workspaces“. This utility has great help, well… 더 읽어보기 >>
As you might guess, I use MATLAB for a lot of things beyond technical computing. This weekend, I was doing quite a bit of cutting and pasting. I thought it would be better to have MATLAB do a lot of… 더 읽어보기 >>
I am a MATLAB kind of guy, but there is a whole other side to the File Exchange: Simulink. I enlisted Becky’s help in choosing a good Simulink file this week:
This is a single block that you… 더 읽어보기 >>