File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Nominate your favorite NEW File Exchange submission

So, it's been just over a year since I last asked readers to nominate their favorite (formerly unrecognized) File Exchange submissions. (My, how time has flown!)

Since mid-April, when I issued that challenge, MATLABbers around the world have shared approximately 3100 new files--and that doesn't include files that were simply modified in that timeframe. That means that more than 22% of the 14000 files currently on the Exchange didn't exist a year ago. And there's some great new stuff out there. Heck, there's even a "flatulence simulator." (I think I'll send Maxim some swag just for having posted that!)

So...time to reissue the challenge, but this time with a twist:

Nominate your favorite new submission--let's say, with a submission date (not modification date) of April 12, 2012 or later. If we agree, and if we feature your nomination in this blog, we'll send both you and the file's author some cool MATLAB swag.

The same ground rules apply:

  • Please don't steer to your own file.
  • Please only suggest files that are covered under the BSD!
  • Submissions should be exemplary for some reason that you can point out. Is it just beautifully written? Have you found it exceptionally useful? Great use of visual elements? (Tell us what it was that led you to select a particular file. We may even quote you!)
  • Your nomination constitutes your acknowledgment that we may quote you, and your permission to do so.
  • Please don't suggest any files that have already been Picked. (All previous Picks of the Week are tagged on their entries with a POTW stamp.)
  • Please consider files that do not feature capabilities undocumented in MATLAB. (We know they can be useful, but then they just might break with the next release!)
  • Remember: cool MATLAB swag to anyone who steers us to a file we use!
  • Please direct your correspondences to the comments section of this post.

I think we'll make this an annual event. Thoughts?

Published with MATLAB® R2013a

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