File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

R2014b, New Graphics System, and Plot Gallery

Jiro's pick this week is MATLAB Plot Gallery by Plot Gallery.

This gallery, which hosts a collection of File Exchange entries showing various plotting examples, has been highlighted once before. I want to bring this up once again, since the examples are now updated with the new graphics system in R2014b. The example code is backward compatible, so you can still run them in older releases, but running them in the current release (R2014b) will give you the new look.

So what's changed with the new graphics system? A lot!! Rather than, talking about them here, let me point you to a few great resources. The first is a series of blog posts in Loren's blog:

These posts will give you a nice introduction to the new graphics system.

Second, there are a couple of blog posts about the new colormap in Steve's blog:

And finally, there is the newly introduced blog, Mike on MATLAB Graphics. Mike is a MathWorks developer working on MATLAB's graphics system, and he will be writing about computer graphics concepts and MATLAB graphics techniques.


Take a look at these resources and let us know what you think here.

Published with MATLAB® R2014b

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