File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Obfuscated MATLAB Code

Sean's pick this week is Growth - Yet Another Obfuscated MATLAB Code by Hikaru.

This is awesome.

dbtype growth
1                                             figure(1)
2     clf,hold on,grid on,view(58,38),feval(@(mm,x)mm(@(O)mm(@(Y,U,V,W,v,nN,NN,Mm,mM,md,Nn)...
3     mm(@(G)mm(Y(G),x,0,0,v(mM(x))),mm(@(L)(@(M)(@(n,p,q,r)mm(mm(@(l,n)l{n},{@()1,@(){mm(Y...
4     (L),                                                                             [25*...
5     v(1.                                                                             /r*(...
6     n-1)                                              )-   25/                       2*(r...
7     -1);                                           md((n-1),r)*5                     ^2-(...
8     r-1*                                          1)*5^  2/  2;0]                    ,[0;...
9     0;1]                           ,[   1;0        ;0    ],   6)                     ,M(n...
10    -1,0                        ,0,v(mM(x)))}            },                          ~(n>...
11    .0)+                       2*~(n  <=  0)))           ))                          ,(@(...
12    d)((        @(   u,n        ,t    ,N   )(            ((    mm   (mm              ((@(...
13    l,n)     l{n}),{(@()mm            (@                    ()(mm(@()Nn(u            (1),...
14    u(2)    ,u(3)  ,(  '*g'           ),                   U,5))  ))  ),(@           ()mm...
15    ((@(     w,    b,   p,            m,    mN   ){(        mm    (@   (A            )Nn(...
16    A(1,           :)                    ,A(2,:),A(3,:            ),                 '-',...
17    W,N^           2*                   0.3,V  ,(  mN(N           /6                 ))),...
18    [u,(           u+    n*   w)]        ))    ,(   mm            (@   (f   ,T,      S){(...
19    d(u+              n*w,S,T,N-1))            ,(                    d(u+n*w,f(S,n   ,p),...
20    f(T,             n,p),  N   -1))           ,(                   d(u+n  *w  ,f(S  ,n,p...
21    *2),              (f    (T    ,n           ,(   p)*   2)),       N-1   ))    },  (@(r...
22    ,n,p                    )r                    *(Mm(p))-nN(r            ,n        )*NN...
23    (p)+                    (1                   -Mm(p  ))  *n*(           n'        *r))...
24    ,NN(                    m)   *n   -t*         Mm    (m   ),            n*        Mm(m...
25    )+NN                       (m)*t))}),9.8            /(                           7.14...
26    -N),                      0.1,2  +1  /10.6          ,-                           .102...
27    +1,(                       @(    r)   [1            *1                           *.32...
28    ,.22                             ,1                                              *.08...
29    ]*r+                             [0                                              ,1,(...
30    .5)]                             *(                                              1-r)...
31    )))}                                                                             ,1+(...
32    N>0))))))))))),@(f)mm(@(g)@(m,n,o,p)mm(f(g(g)),m,n,o,p),@(g)@(m,n,o,p)mm(f(g(g)),m,n,...
33    o,p)),O(0),O(1),O(2),O(3),O(4),O(5),O(6),O(7),O(8),O(9)),(@(I)mm(@(l,m)mm(l{1+(I>2)},...
34    char(m((m(58+I)-46):(m(59+I)-47))+18)),{@(J)J,@str2func},['[O`YS`aWhS1]Z]`ZW\SEWRbV',...
35    'TZ]]`Q`]aaaW\Q]aa_`b[]R^Z]b!TSdOZ/9>GLQTW[^c']))),@feval,9); %% (c) woodrush (2014) ...

They look the same!

Hikaru, also provides the technical details about the programming features used. However, the detail I care about most was left out: How long did this take to make?

It is also a great example of pushing the MATLAB interepreter to its limits.

Maybe some day we can have an obfuscated MATLAB Code Contest, similar to the C one.

Have a great New Year everyone!


Give it a try and let us know what you think here or leave a comment for Hikaru.

Published with MATLAB® R2015a

  • print


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