Julia Sets (Live Editor Example)
Will's pick this week is Julia Sets (Live Editor Example) by Joshua Meyer.
The MATLAB Live Editor is a wonderful, new medium for expressing your ideas in MATLAB. In this contribution, Joshua educates us on Julia sets. The Live Editor enables him to do more than merely supply code with commentary. We also receive a rich document in which Julia sets are clearly explained in a narrative. Equations are displayed as you'd find them in a textbook before getting written as MATLAB code to produce figures. Enjoy some of the exciting results!
![Julia sets](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/mlc-downloads/downloads/submissions/55461/versions/2/screenshot.gif)
Let us know what you think here or leave a comment for Joshua.
The MATLAB Live Editor is a wonderful, new medium for expressing your ideas in MATLAB. In this contribution, Joshua educates us on Julia sets. The Live Editor enables him to do more than merely supply code with commentary. We also receive a rich document in which Julia sets are clearly explained in a narrative. Equations are displayed as you'd find them in a textbook before getting written as MATLAB code to produce figures. Enjoy some of the exciting results!
![Julia sets](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/mlc-downloads/downloads/submissions/55461/versions/2/screenshot.gif)
Let us know what you think here or leave a comment for Joshua.
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- Picks
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