File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Physics Course Live Scripts using Symbolic Math Toolbox

Jiro‘s pick this week is Physics Course Live Scripts using Symbolic Math Toolbox by Kurt Braeuer.

My day job is helping our academic users become successful in their work/research/study by using our tools. While it’s quite easy to imagine using MATLAB in a research setting, MATLAB is not as ubiquitous in a teaching setting as it is in research. So I’m always keeping my eye out for course or curriculum examples that use MATLAB.

This series of live scripts by Kurt is quite amazing. It covers several topics in fundamentals of theoretical physics, with extensive exercise problems and solutions. MATLAB aides in teaching by helping complex calculations both analytically and numerically. Graphics and animations also help students better understand concepts. Kurt effectively uses these capabilities in his scripts. He also extensively uses the Symbolic Math Toolbox, which is fitting for this field.


Take a look and let us know what you think here or leave a comment for Kurt.

Published with MATLAB® R2018a

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