A core theme in
Model-Based Design is
reusing your intellectual property for different tasks. Analysis for the purpose of design is a
critical benefit. Today I introduce
Korkut to show how to estimate the frequency response of your Simulink
- Have you ever estimated frequency response of your Simulink
- Have you ever tried to create “good” input signals for this
- Have you ever tried to automate this process by writing scripts to
modify your model for simulation using the designed input, and to process the
results for estimation?
In R2009b, released this past September,
Simulink Control Design
added a set of commands that streamline this whole process. Now you can design
input signals, simulate, estimate the response and diagnosing results, without
modifying your model in the process!
What is frequency response?
Frequency response is basically the change in amplitude and
phase of a system’s output at steady state with respect to a sinusoidal excitation.
By analyzing the system’s frequency response, you can gain insight into the
system dynamics and robustness to noise. You can also design a
for your system using the estimated frequency response data as a plant.
One way to estimate frequency response of a Simulink model
is to
the model. Linearization works for many models, but does not support models
with certain
Even if your model is linearizable, you might still want to validate your
linearization result by independently computing the frequency response from
simulated data.
Let’s go through the process of frequency response
estimation using a sample engine model, where the input is the throttle angle
and the output is the engine speed.
>> scdengine
>> mdl = 'scdengine';

The first step is to create a “good” input signal for
frequency response estimation:
Creating input signals for frequency response estimation
By definition, frequency response estimation requires a
sinusoidal input to excite your system.
Simulink Control Design
provides the
command to create such a signal.
Let’s create a set of sinusoids with 30 frequencies, varying
between 0.1 and 10 rad/s. These are the frequencies that we want to compute the
model’s response for:
>> in = frest.Sinestream('Frequency',linspace(0.1,10,30))
The sinestream input signal:
Frequency : [0.1 0.44138 0.78276 1.1241 ...] (rad/s)
Amplitude : 1e-005
SamplesPerPeriod : 40
NumPeriods : 4
RampPeriods : 0
FreqUnits (rad/s,Hz): rad/s
SettlingPeriods : 1
ApplyFilteringInFRESTIMATE (on/off) : on
SimulationOrder (Sequential/OneAtATime): Sequential
The resulting
input signal has several adjustable parameters; including the frequencies, amplitude,
the number of periods etc.
parameter is especially important. This parameter specifies the period of your
response where after the system is assumed to be at steady state. This parameter
helps you ensure that the frequency response estimation focuses on the steady
state portion of the response. The
signal is the best input signal for frequency response estimation, because with
this signal you can isolate steady state portion of the response. However, you
can also design and use other types of input signals. For example, you can
create a frequency sweep (chirp) using the
command or create a random signal with the command
You can also use a
object to specify a custom input signal.
Estimating the frequency response
After you create an input signal for frequency response
estimation, the next step is to run simulation using this input to obtain the output
signals and use this data to estimate the frequency response.
Simulink Control Design
combines these steps in the
[sysest,simout] = frestimate(mdl,getlinio(mdl),in);
The syntax of
is very similar to
You must specify the model, the linearization input/output points and the input
signal you designed. In our model, the linearization input and output points are
already set at the throttle angle and the engine speed signals and you get them
automatically performs simulation(s) where designed input signal is inserted
from the specified input point(s) and the specified output signal(s) are logged.
It uses the obtained output signals to estimate the frequency response. It
returns the estimated response as a frequency response data
sysest, and
the simulation outputs in
The nice thing about the
is that it injects the input signal and runs the simulation logging the outputs
without requiring you to change your model. You specify input and output points
to be anywhere in your model and
takes care of the rest!
Let’s look at the Bode plot of the estimated frequency
>> bode(sysest)
Confirming whether your frequency response estimation is
command lets you analyze your frequency response estimation results.
>> frest.simView(simout,in,sysest);

The frequency response is the
plot at the bottom where the frequency points are color-coded. You can use the
slider on the frequency response plot to interactively explore the time
response and the FFT at each frequency of the input. In the time response plot,
the steady state portion of the output signal is the thick line. The FFT plot
shows the spectrum corresponding to this output signal. At the selected
frequency of 0.1 rad/s, the time response includes transients during the first
period but reaches steady state afterwards.
Sometimes, it takes a couple of tries to get good estimation
results. For example, it is possible that you need an input with different
amplitude, or you need to increase number of periods to drive the system to
steady state. The time and FFT plots in simulations results viewer help you
identify such issues which you can address by changing the parameters of your
input signal.
You can learn more about frequency response estimation in
and demos.
Now it is your turn
Do you estimate the frequency response of your Simulink
models? Try estimating the frequency response of your Simulink model and
share how it goes.
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