Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 11 - 19 of 19

結果: S-functions

Creating Driver Blocks for Arduino, Lego, and other targets 12

As you may know, it is easy to run Simulink models on a set of supported target hardware. This has been possible since R2012a. Even if we add more targets and support more features for each target... 続きを読む >>

Debugging C/C++ S-Functions 12

If you are going to work with C or C++ S-Functions, you will probably need to do some debugging. My advice is: Don't go with the printf debugging approach. I did that for too long and now I... 続きを読む >>

Creating Your Own Block With Continuous States (MATLAB S-Function) 5

In a previous post, I showed an example of a MATLAB S-Function with a discrete state This week, we continue in the same direction and implement an S-Function with a continuous state. Continuous... 続きを読む >>

Writing your own block with discrete states (MATLAB S-Function) 5

A few weeks ago, I noticed the following question on MATLAB Answers by K E: What are continuous and discrete states in Simulink? In my opinion, the best way to understand how states work in... 続きを読む >>

How to make your own blocks with code! (Introduction to S-Functions) 10

I have to admit... before joining MathWorks, I was afraid of S-Functions. Now this makes me laugh, because I know that writing an S-Function is very powerful and not that complicated. In my... 続きを読む >>

Advanced S-function Techniques: Scheduling Future Events 8

Today I will describe how to use a variable sample time s-function to schedule events in the future. This topic is fairly advanced, so hold on tight... or as we say where I come from: Attachez vos... 続きを読む >>

Variable-size signals and Unit Delay 2

I received requests recently about variable-size signals and the Unit Delay block. One question, many answers What should a Unit Delay do when the size of a signal changes? Unfortunately,... 続きを読む >>

Robotic Arm Models and Repairing Hubble 14

As you may know, Space Shuttle Atlantis is about to return this weekend from man’s last visit to the Hubble Telescope.  Those astronauts took some major risks to repair our favorite and most famous... 続きを読む >>

S-functions, Bus Signals, and Missing Documentation 24

This almost never happens, but today I get to share with you an undocumented Simulink capability! In R2009a the S-function builder has the ability to accept bus signals at its input and output... 続きを読む >>

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