Student Lounge

Sharing technical and real-life examples of how students can use MATLAB and Simulink in their everyday projects #studentsuccess

Results for: deep learning

Custom ROS messages for Object Detection

In today’s blog, Abhishek Shankar will show you how you can build custom ROS messages for object detection. Over to you, Abhishek..

Deep learning has proven to be extremely useful in… read more >>

Kelp Wanted Challenge Starter Code

Getting Started with MATLAB
We at MathWorks, in collaboration with DrivenData, are excited to bring you this challenge! The goal is to develop an algorithm that can use provided satellite imagery to… read more >>

Mitigating Climate Change through Deep Learning in MATLAB

Joining us today is Kaveh Faraji and Azin Al Kajbaf, who won the Best Use of MATLAB award for The BioMassters competition! Read on to learn more about this duo and how they used deep learning for… read more >>

Hacking a YouTube Creator Assistant with MATLAB

Are you a content creator that is looking to make your content thumbnails more eye catching? Joining us today is Nathan Fong and Stuart Fong from Queens University in Canada! Read on to learn more… read more >>

Sign Me Up! – Sign Language Interpretation in MATLAB

In today’s post, Harshita Sharma joins us to talk about how she used MATLAB and Transfer Learning to build an application that helps differently abled children interpret sign language… read more >>