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搜索结果: 2017

Using Retime with a Timetable to Aggregate Data By Hour 2

Last week I used varfun on a datetime variable in a table to count rows by hour. One of my colleagues said I should take a look at retime which operates on timetables. Here I give it a try.
Features… 更多内容 >>

Using varfun with datetime Values to Group Data By Hour

When I analyze our website, the testing system I use downloads all pages. It can take several hours as there are almost a million of them in the subset I look at. Sometimes it takes longer than usual… 更多内容 >>

Writing a Script to Count Data in Multiple Text Files 2

Here I need to combine the data from multiple text files by grouping and summing by one variable. I also try using a datastore which I have not used much before.
Features covered in this code-along… 更多内容 >>

Adding a New UI Element to a MATLAB App with App Designer 4

If you have used GUIDE a lot in the past and are thinking of trying out App Designer, this will give you an idea of how its like to work with that tool. Here I add a new UI element to an existing… 更多内容 >>

Cody Code-Along: R2016b Feature Challenge – Use a timetable to analyze a train timetable, Part 4

In part 4 of the train timetable set of Cody problems, you need to calculate the average trip duration for each day in the timetable. This one is about as exciting as watching paint dry as it takes… 更多内容 >>

Trying Steve’s First Deep Learning Example

My colleague Steve Eddins, who you may know from his Image Processing blog, has a new one on Deep Learning. To learn more about this subject, I thought I would try the first example he just posted,… 更多内容 >>

Cody Code-Along: R2016b Feature Challenge – Use a timetable to analyze a train timetable, Part 3

In part 3 of this set of Cody problems, you need to count the number of trains in one day. Afterwards, I took a look at the solutions others have contributed, which can be very interesting.
Features… 更多内容 >>

Cody Code-Along: R2016b Feature Challenge – Use a timetable to analyze a train timetable, Part 2

In part 2 of this Cody problem you need to select the next departure from a train time table based on certain criteria. It does take me a few tries to return the answer in the format the problem… 更多内容 >>

Converting a Set of Video Caption Text Files From One Format to Another

I offered to help my colleague Josh to convert a bunch of video caption text files from one format called DFXP to another called WebVTT. The text files store lists of voice-over captions with start… 更多内容 >>

Developing a Function that Replicates an Excel Worksheet Template

I need to save multiple MATLAB tables into an Excel spreadsheet; one worksheet for each table. I want the worksheets to be formatted to be easily read. So I develop a function that will do this by… 更多内容 >>

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