Recently, I had email from a student in Italy.... read more >>
Recently, I had email from a student in Italy.... read more >>
While I was working on my posts about Pejorative Manifolds, I was pleased to discover the intriguing patterns created by the roundoff error in the computed eigenvalues of triple Kronecker products.... read more >>
My colleagues are looking for a matrix to be used in a new benchmark. They've come to the right place.... read more >>
The QR algorithm is one of the world's most successful algorithms. We can use animated gifs to illustrate three variants of the algorithm, one for computing the eigenvalues of a nonsymmetric... read more >>
I have just returned from the ICIAM2019 conference in Valencia, Spain. It was a huge conference -- 4,000+ attendees, dozens of prize and invited talks, hundreds of parallel minisympsia. I gave a talk in a two-part minisymposium organized by Nick Higham and Rob Corless. I outlined the first part of the talk in this blog a month ago. This post outlines the second part, which was about Hadamard matrices. Some of it is taken from a post in this blog five years ago.... read more >>
(This is a reprint of the second ever Cleve's Corner from the Winter 1990 MathWorks Newsletter).The other day at lunch with a couple of other MathWorks people, I posed the following... read more >>
We will have a two-part minisymposium on "Bohemian Matrices" at ICIAM2019, the International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics in Valencia, Spain, July 15-19. This is an outline of my talk.... read more >>
This is a summary of my talk at the conference Celebrating the Centenary of James H. Wilkinson's Birth at the University of Manchester, May 29.... read more >>
On May 29-30, I plan to attend a conference, organized by Nick Higham, at the University of Manchester. The title of the conference is... read more >>