Posts 31 - 40 of 103

Results for: Matrices

Two Dubious Ways to Solve A*X = X*B, part 1 2

Recently, I had email from a student in Italy.... read more >>

Roundoff Patterns from Triple Kronecker Products

While I was working on my posts about Pejorative Manifolds, I was pleased to discover the intriguing patterns created by the roundoff error in the computed eigenvalues of triple Kronecker products.... read more >>

A Matrix for the New HPL-AI Benchmark 2

My colleagues are looking for a matrix to be used in a new benchmark. They've come to the right place.... read more >>

The QR Algorithm Computes Eigenvalues and Singular Values

The QR algorithm is one of the world's most successful algorithms. We can use animated gifs to illustrate three variants of the algorithm, one for computing the eigenvalues of a nonsymmetric... read more >>

Hadamard Matrices

I have just returned from the ICIAM2019 conference in Valencia, Spain. It was a huge conference -- 4,000+ attendees, dozens of prize and invited talks, hundreds of parallel minisympsia. I gave a talk in a two-part minisymposium organized by Nick Higham and Rob Corless. I outlined the first part of the talk in this blog a month ago. This post outlines the second part, which was about Hadamard matrices. Some of it is taken from a post in this blog five years ago.... read more >>

The World’s Simplest Impossible Problem 3

(This is a reprint of the second ever Cleve's Corner from the Winter 1990 MathWorks Newsletter).The other day at lunch with a couple of other MathWorks people, I posed the following... read more >>

Bohemian Matrices in the MATLAB® Gallery 2

We will have a two-part minisymposium on "Bohemian Matrices" at ICIAM2019, the International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics in Valencia, Spain, July 15-19. This is an outline of my talk.... read more >>

Matrix Eigenvalue Dating Service 1

This is a summary of my talk at the conference Celebrating the Centenary of James H. Wilkinson's Birth at the University of Manchester, May 29.... read more >>

An Eigenvalue Sensitivity Example

On May 29-30, I plan to attend a conference, organized by Nick Higham, at the University of Manchester. The title of the conference is... read more >>

Benchmarking a GPU 5

I recently acquired a GPU, a graphics processing unit. It's called a GPU because such processors were originally intended to speed up graphics. But MATLAB uses it to speed up computation. Let's see how the gpuArray object benchmarks on my machine. I have been doing computer benchmarks for years. I like to do profiles where I vary the size of a task and see how the amount of memory required affects performance. I always learn something unexpected when I do these profiles. Ben Todoroff is on the MathWorks Parallel Processing team. Last year he contributed #34080, gpuBench to the MATLAB Central File Exchange. He has been able to compare several different GPUs. I am going to consider the performance of only one GPU, but in more detail. Important note. This is only about double precision. Single precision is another story. ... read more >>

Posts 31 - 40 of 103