I am giving a five-minute talk today, May 26, at the virtual seminar on Complexity of Matrix Computations. Here are my slides. Two new MATLAB functions, tred and imtql, instrumented to count flops, are available in symeig.m.... read more >>
I am giving a five-minute talk today, May 26, at the virtual seminar on Complexity of Matrix Computations. Here are my slides. Two new MATLAB functions, tred and imtql, instrumented to count flops, are available in symeig.m.... read more >>
Computing Eigenvalues of Symmetric MatricesSee revision.Get the MATLAB code (requires JavaScript) Published with MATLAB®... read more >>
The Bucky Ball provides an elegant example of a graph, the connectivity of the Buckminster Fuller geodesic dome.We are also demonstrating publishing this blog with the Live Editor. There is a button... read more >>
This is about linear systems with fewer equations than variables; A*x = b where the m -by- n matrix A has fewer rows that columns, so m < n . I have always called such systems wide or fat, but this is not respectful. So I consulted the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus and found commodious.... read more >>
What do the years 2018, 2029 and 2040 have in common? They are the only years in the 21st century when Easter Sunday occurs on April Fools Day.... read more >>
A news story released yesterday, March 31,by c|net has the headline... read more >>
What do Mount St. Helens and the rank of a matrix have in common? The answer is the MATLAB function peaks. Let me explain. Please bear with me -- it's a long story.... read more >>
I recently published Round, With Ties to Even and followed that with Round Two. Then, in an email, Andy Bartlett pointed out that my new round function fails for some large values of x between flintmax/2 and flintmax.... read more >>
I published Round, With Ties to Even a couple of days ago. Steve Eddins and Daniel Dolan immediately had substantive comments. Here is my reaction to their comments.... read more >>
We are considering a MATLAB Enhancement Request to support options for round(x) when x is exactly halfway between two integers.... read more >>
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