MATLAB Community

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Posts 31 - 40 of 41

Results for: 2007

T-Shirts! 5

In my previous post, I asked you to send us a screenshot of your desktop layout. So far, my mailbox has been sadly empty. To entice you to send us those screenshots, I am offering up MathWorks… read more >>

Do you dock figure windows? What does your desktop look like? 25

We often get feedback from customers about what new features they would like to see, and we definitely hear from customers if we introduce bug, but we rarely get to get information from customers… read more >>

Setting up keybindings for the Command Window and Editor 68

For purely historical reasons, the Command Window ships with its keybindings set to “MATLAB Classics (Emacs)”. We used to only have one set of keybindings for the Command Window and we… read more >>

Display information from M, MDL and MAT files without opening them 3

If your memory is like mine, it is handy to quickly review content description to remember functionality of files and directories. From the list of files in the Current Directory Browser, you can… read more >>

Tab Completion will save your fingers 29

Tab Completion is a popup that can be found in both the Command Window and the Editor. After you type a key (or a few) you can hit the tab key and a popup will appear and show you all of the… read more >>

Split Screen mode in the Editor 6

A common need when writing a large M-file is to be able to view two parts of the file simultaneously. For example, perhaps you are calling a subfunction from the main body of your code, and you need… read more >>

Finding items in the History or Current Directory browser 10

My Command History can get pretty large and I often find myself wanting to find a command I executed a couple of weeks ago (otherwise I may have to go find the command in the doc again). I used to… read more >>

Keeping your fingers on the keyboard 4

The point and click capabilities of the MATLAB desktop make it easy to learn and use but once you’ve worked with MATLAB for a while you may find that you are most productive keeping your fingers on… read more >>

Shortcuts for commonly used code 30

If you haven’t discovered Shortcuts yet, you should. Shortcuts are useful for storing small snippets of m-code that you regularly run. If you find yourself typing the same 3 or 4 lines of… read more >>

Moving between functions within a file 18

When you’re writing a big M-file, you often end up with a large number of subfunctions or nested functions. Moving between them can be a pain though unless you know some tricks.
First, there…

Posts 31 - 40 of 41