Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

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搜索结果: 2012

Send Tweets using Arduino Ethernet [Updated Tutorial] 4

We have updated our ThingTweet Tutorial to cover the Arduino Ethernet and the new Arduino IDE (v1 and above). ThingTweet is a ThingSpeak App that allows you to send Twitter status updates via your… 更多内容 >>

Real-time Gas Sensor System with Microsoft Gadgeteer and ThingSpeak 2

TinyCLR master user [Duke Nukem] created a project using the Microsoft Gadgeteer and ThingSpeak Internet of Things web services. The Gadgeteer allows modular hardware development with plug-and-play… 更多内容 >>

EVE Alpha – Raspberry Pi Wireless Development

Kickstarter over the past few months has been the platform of choice for new Internet of Things hardware being developed. Many projects are an Arduino and another thing attached to it. While some of… 更多内容 >>

μPLibrary – .NET Micro Framework Client for ThingSpeak Platform

.NET Micro Framework Developer [paolopat] created a client for the ThingSpeak platform. This allows any device that supports the .NET Micro Framework to access ThingSpeak web services by using the… 更多内容 >>

Open Hardware Summit 2012

The Open Hardware Summit is September 27th, 2012 in New York City at Eyebeam. For the second year, ThingSpeak is sponsoring the event!

The OHS was a blast last year. We got to meet all the Open… 更多内容 >>

Slot Car Race Powered by Twitter

The community from RS Components created a Scalextric Slot Car Race that is powered by your tweets. Two cars went head-to-head last week with a live Twitter race between a red and blue car. The cars… 更多内容 >>

Solar Panel Data Logging to ThingSpeak

ThingSpeak user, “SolarInKrimpen”, from Rotterdam, Netherlands, created a solar power monitoring system that reports data collected by solar panels and feeds the data to web services such… 更多内容 >>

The ThingSpeak API now has a Ruby Gem, code on GitHub too

If you use Ruby to write programs and apps, Daniel Treacy created a Ruby wrapper for the ThingSpeak API. This Gem makes it easy to access the ThingSpeak API inside of your Ruby code.
For more… 更多内容 >>

A Twitter Powered Gumball Machine Built on ThingSpeak + Arduino

Kevin, from the brilliant minds at Philter Communications, created a gumball machine known as the Tweet-a-Tweat. This clever device encourages social media interaction. People who visit your office… 更多内容 >>

Solar Hot Water Temperature Monitoring with Arduino + ThingSpeak

Here’s another “Klink Family Adventure”. The Klink’s created a solar water heater monitor using an Arduino connected to multiple waterproof DS18B20 temperature sensors…. 更多内容 >>

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