Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

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Results for: iot

Instant TweetControls #featurefriday

We spent some time enhancing our TweetControl App. TweetControl allows you to control things with Twitter. You setup a TweetControl to listen for a keyword mentioned on Twitter and we execute any web… read more >>

ThingSpeak Launches New Website

Things want to speak…
We keep hearing about how many Billions and Billions of things there will be connected. Just think about how much data that they will create! Yep, it’s Big Data, or… read more >>

Cigar Humidor Updates Twitter – Powered by ThingSpeak and Arduino 2

CAVA created a cigar humidor with a social life. A humidor stores cigars in a humidity controlled environment to maintain freshness, but this special humidor sends the humidity sensor value to… read more >>

Open Source ThingSpeak Updates 1

Thanks to the very active ThingSpeak community, we have been able to make some updates to the open source ThingSpeak API and web app. We also have a major new release coming. The latest updates allow… read more >>

Send Tweets using Arduino Ethernet [Updated Tutorial] 4

We have updated our ThingTweet Tutorial to cover the Arduino Ethernet and the new Arduino IDE (v1 and above). ThingTweet is a ThingSpeak App that allows you to send Twitter status updates via your… read more >>

Real-time Gas Sensor System with Microsoft Gadgeteer and ThingSpeak 2

TinyCLR master user [Duke Nukem] created a project using the Microsoft Gadgeteer and ThingSpeak Internet of Things web services. The Gadgeteer allows modular hardware development with plug-and-play… read more >>

CheerLights: Connecting Lights Together to Bring Us Closer

It’s that time of year… holiday time and family time. I was inspired this time to create a project that brings us a little closer. Lights are a big part of the holidays and with… read more >>

Arduino 1.0 to ThingSpeak Sketch 1

The Arduino team recently released the release candidate of Arduino 1.0 on Google Code. It’s a available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Version 1.0 of Arduino’s IDE includes enhancements to… read more >>

ThingSpeak is a Sponsor of the Open Hardware Summit

The Open Hardware Summit is September 15th, 2011 in New York City. The ThingSpeak team is thrilled to announce that we are sponsoring the event! We are excited to be a part of the summit and we will… read more >>

ProgrammableWeb Includes the ThingSpeak API

Big news!
The mashup community ProgrammableWeb indexed the ThingSpeak API and the ThingSpeak Chart API. We entered the category of “Other”. Just imagine what web developers will create… read more >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 22

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