Internet of Things

ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and the Internet of Things

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Results for: temperature

Indoor Environmental Quality Station

[donmatito] created an Indoor Environmental Quality Station based on the Arduino platform and uses Bluetooth for connectivity to ThingSpeak cloud services. The great news is that… read more >>

Solar Hot Water Temperature Monitoring with Arduino + ThingSpeak

Here’s another “Klink Family Adventure”. The Klink’s created a solar water heater monitor using an Arduino connected to multiple waterproof DS18B20 temperature sensors…. read more >>

Smart Home Project with ThingSpeak, Arduino, chipKIT, and Drupal 1

Via Twitter, we caught wind of a project by a group of Rutgers University SCI ITI students. As their final project, the team built a working model of a smart home using sensors connected to… read more >>

Connect Sensors to ThingSpeak via Teracom

[david] from Toute la Domotique adapted the Teracom box to connect to ThingSpeak web services for data logging of sensors. In his article, Suivi de Température”, David covers the ThingSpeak… read more >>

DIY Weather Station with Arduino, Processing, and ThingSpeak

[lars] created a weather station from scratch using sensors and bits from SparkFun and Adafruit. Lars wanted to log weather data and access it from remotely. He built the weather station using… read more >>

Home Automation System HomeVisionXL adds ThingSpeak Plugin

HomeVisionXL adds a ThingSpeak Plugin for environmental data logging to their home automation controller. HomeVisionXL “is a cross-platform tool for developing schedules for the HomeVision… read more >>

Filtrete 3M-50 Wi-Fi Thermostat Connected to ThingSpeak

[david]  created a project that reads the temperature from a Filtrete 3M-50 Wi-Fi Thermostat and sends the data to ThingSpeak. He also grabs the latest temperature as reported by Yahoo Weather and… read more >>

Sensor Monitoring with mbed and ThingSpeak

[Frank] has created a complete tutorial on how to publish sensor data to ThingSpeak via the mbed prototyping platform. He specifically shows you how to connect the mbed to DS1620 temperature sensor… read more >>

Tracking Office Temperature with FEZ Cobra (user project) 4

[foxxjnm] tracks his office temperature with ThingSpeak. He had a temperature probe and a FEZ Cobra development board lying around, so he decided to connect them to the ThingSpeak API.
I have been…

Using Arduino and Python to Update a ThingSpeak Channel

“mattyw” shows us how to read a thermistor temperature sensor with an Arduino and use a python script to update a ThingSpeak Channel.

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